Monday, August 31, 2009
Post Simulcast comments
My Dear Sister
God has not overlooked you.
He has not ignored you.
He hears every petition and intimately knows the heart beneath it.
Give Him full access to all your longings.
Pray every single day to become a person who delights in Him.
When it seems to disappear remember to check your JAW.
Are you Jealous?
Are you Angry?
Are you Worried?
Roll it all on Jesus He's strong enough to carry it, big enough to handle it.
Trust God with all your heart, now leave this place and go into the world and do some GOOD.
Today this has meant a great deal to me. As I ponder the message that I got from the simulcast it is helpful to have Beth's message simplified in this manner.
This coupled with some good news that I received this weekend confirms that I am moving in the right direction on some things in my life. It almost makes me remember the recent days, weeks when Satan began to place doubt in my mind. Maybe I can work this up some how into a plaque and put in my office to remind me of this weekend's message.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Created for Relationships
So for me personally I will persue God's purpose for my life and to commit to make room for delighting in God.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
We Are Created For Balance
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Chapter 4: Created for Success
In "Finding Success in the Small Things she tells another story about one of her children and his performance in a Christmas program. I can relate to the story and both the mother and the child. How often have I gotten all the way to the end of the verse, only to forget the reference source. But the story in this section that most touched me her joy over receiving $5 for story. Like Debbie it has long been my ambition to write. Not great novels but just stories that will help other people. My mission statement for years has been to "be of service to God and to others". My work gives me a sense of being of service to God and others in one area of my life and I would like writing articles and other things to be another area of service. You might say this blog and some other activities that I started as a result of the last study are my taking a risk. I have been finding some success in the small things, such as my articles.
Debbie's next section is "Characteristics of a Successful Woman". The first trait is that successful women trust themselves. My favorite line in this sections is "A successful woman realizes this [that life is made up of good and hard times] and accepts that each one of those hart experiences is essential in shaping her into the woman she is today." She then shares a story that demonstrates what I heard in one of my support groups "no matter where you go there you are". We find exactly what we are looking for, what we trust ourselves to be, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The next trait is that a successful woman accepts responsibility for herself. Here Debbie lists several well known, famous individuals along with the fact that as children 3/4's of them as children were troubled by either poverty, a broken home, or overly possessive, dominating parents. Some were physically handicapped by blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs. Some came from families that now days would be labeled as dysfunctional. "And yet, from such poor circumstances, God was able to create success." In this segment and previous one Debbie tells us to (1) prepare a mission statement and (2) set goals. Again these were things that we were also instructed to do in the previous study. Debbie tells us that these goals should be defined by what she calls "the S.M.A.R.T. plan" meaning that they should be Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Timed. The last thngs she addresses in this segment is wasting time. In particular she focuses on telephone calls/requests. She gives us this advice "The next time someone or something comes along seeking your time, ask yourself, 'If I agree and answer yes to this request, what am I sayiing no to?' If you take on that project at work, what are you givng up? If you agree to organize that event at church, what will you be unable to do at home?"
Next trait a successful woman invests in herself. Debbie stated that the first way that she started investing in herself was by listening to motivational tapes. However, she furtgher states that she does not just listen to these tapes as she drives, puts on her makeup, etc.; she does what the speaker tells her to do. I have recently order an MP3 Player and Earbuds so that I can download free Bible Studies and speaches/sermons by well know Christian teachers; male and female. These are available through
The last trait she discusses is that a successful woman thinks about success. One of the biggest determining factors in achieving success is whether you keep a PMA (Postive Mental Attitude). She advises that we stay positive and surround ourselves with upbeat, constructive people.
Lastly Debbie tells us to remember the Five "Be's"
Be Proud. Take pride in who and what you are because you are special in God's eyes.
Be Persistent. Go after your goals with everything you have and don't give up.
Be Bold. Dare to dream! God did not creat us with the intention of watching us sit back like sulking alley cats waiting for a handout.
Be Grateful. Appreciate the little things in life. Appreciate the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
Be Yourself. No one ever found success by trying to be someone else. The scripture she uses here is very good. Matthew 23:11-12 "Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty." (The Message).
So let's remember God created us for success so whatever our dreams are we should take a risk and step out to claim the success he has for us.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Created For Risk
In the section "The Art of Risk-Taking" she shared that a resource that has helped her in overcoming her hears of success and reaching her dreams was a book by Kate White Why Good Girls Don't Get Ahead . . . But Gutsy Girls Do. She states that she learned that a gutsy girl is not a bad girl but one who does not mind charting her own course and taking risks. Debbie said that she also learned from White to have a different perspective and giving fear another name.
"It could be terrifying--or it could be challenging.
It could be foreign--or it could be intriguing
It could expose your ignorance--or your ability to learn."
Macomber further tells us that in order for our dreams to see the light of success, we must learn to take control of our fears by turning them over to God and focus on what is really important. She further states that God is the anchor we can use to turn our dreams from wispy fantasies to realities.
In the next section Debbie Macomber addresses "Overcoming Doubt", she stated that even after we get over our fear of taking a risk and pursue our God-given dreams we will have to deal with doubt, it will come and go but you can't let it stop you from accomplishing your goal. We have to "Trust God when we can't see the road map isn't easy, but it's necessary". Debbie said that for her the best was to overcome doubt is to remember God's promises. She then lists these twelve
- God's presence - He'll never leave you. (Heb. 13:5)
- God's protection - He our shield and great reward. (Gen. 15:1)
- God's power - He will strengthen us. (Isaiah 41:10)
- God's provision - He will help us. (Isaiah 41:10)
- God's leading - He goes ahead of us. (John 10:4)
- God's purposes - He has raised us for this very purpose. (Exodus 9:15-16)
- God's rest - He will give us rest. (Mat. 11:28)
- God's cleansing - He will forgive us and purify us. (1 John 1:9)
- God's goodness - He does not withhold any goodness. (Psalm 84:11)
- God's faithfulness -He will not reject us. (1 Samuel 12:22)
- God's guidance - He guides us. (Psalm 25:9)
- God's wise plan- He works all things for good for us. (Romans 8:28)
Debbie tells us in the next section to "Believe in Yourself". She states that we are created for risk. She quoted Robert Kennedy "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly". Debbie then shares several stories that prove her point. I particularly liked the one about praying for parking spots because I have frequently done that and just like for Debbie, God has provided parking spaces where I need them.
Lastly Debbie share that it is okay to make mistakes. She says, "It's okay if we make mistakes. It's okay if we fail. But we can't ever stop trying. We can't ever not try. Because then we push aside all the wonderful things God has given each of us to help us succeed with our dreams. And then we're taking something away from God."
Messages like Debbie's from other sources have helped me begin once again to pursue one of my dreams about writing. So far I have not written a book. But I have begun to publish simple articles for an on-line magazine. Check out my articles at Let me know what you think.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Created For Dreams
"So let's think about your dream. What is it you want to do most? Do you want to
open a business? To become a performer--a musician or an actress? Do you want
to work with your hands in the medical field, or work with your hands as an artist?
Whatever it is, it's time to sit dowan and give it an honest evaluation so you can
plot your dream's course."
After sharing some of her own experiences in which she questioned her dream about becoming a writer and the difficulties she ran into before that dream became a reality, she then lists three lies. "So often when it comes to our dreams, our greatest enemy is ourselves. . . .when you see the lie for what it is you can take the first step toward achieving your dreams. As the Bible says, the truth will set you free. Behind each of these lies we encounter, there's a truth we must face if we're going to move forward and achieve our dreams."
Lie #1: It's who you know. Debbie states that when we tell ourselves this lie we are discounting our dreams. She further states that often we rely on other people to make our dreams happen. However, it is not their dream and it is not their passion but ours and it is up to us to take action and believe. Remember, what we often think of as self-talk is really the whispers of the Great Deceiver trying to steer us away from the dream God has placed in us. If he can get us to not believe in ourselves he has won a battle in the spiritual war because we are no longer effectively fulfilling the purpose for which God made us.
Lie #2: I'm too old. "It is far too easy to use age as an excuse for almost anything". Of believing this lie I know I have been guilty. Debbie shares a story of a wonderful woman in her 80's who believes that age is a matter of the mind. "Marilyn George was a commercial fisherman in Alaska who has decided to write about her experiences." Debbie also talked about the group of ladies in their 80's that she swims with five mornings a week. Debbie then reminds her readers that Golda Meir was seventy-on when she became prime minister of Israel. George Bernard Shaw was ninety-four when one of his plays was first produced Benjamin Franklin help frame the United States consitution when he was eighty-one. Age is a state of mind, when we say were are too old to accomplish our dreams it is an excuse and simply means we are unwill to pay the price. "Don't let it be your excuse".
Lie #3: It's too hard. Debbie calls this negative self-thinking (I often call it negative self-talk). It has no place around our God-given dreams according to Debbie. She also reminded me that I am my own worst judge, my own worst enemy. I say things to myself that I would never say to someone else. I need to remember that God loves me and He would never say the things I say to myself. One of her comments hit me on the head so strong and actually involved lies two and three. I am making a commentment to myself today that from now on I will not use the two adjectives "old" and "fat" to describe myself. God through Debbie's writing has convicted me of believing the Deceiver's lies about myself when I use these words. He also reminded me that I am strong because He makes me strong regardless of chronological age or body size and he will give me the strength to do whatever he wants me to do.
Lastly Debbie tells me to believe in my dreams. "We were created to dream, to imagine, and to wonder. By doing anything less, we rob God of the opportunity to make those dreams come true." However, I must be willing to do what it takes to pursue my dreams.