This chaper was again a reminder of what a blessing an attitude of gratitude can be; whether it is mine or someone else's. People who are grateful are just more pleasant to be around. Unfortunately, I do not practice having gratitude often enough. Every since I enter AA this phrase "attitude of gratitude" has been one I have heard of regularly. It is also something that I try to have more of, having mastered it yet but I am a whole lot better than I used to be.
Today while running usual Saturday errands to include picking up something for my husband I got throughly soaked to the skin. Initially I found myself complaining to God about having to be out in the rain and getting really wet. Telling God that He really could have had the rain let up just a little when I had to go in and out of the car to reach a building. As I type this now that seems so totally absurd but I did do that. Needless to say this is one day He felt I needed to get my feathers literally wet. The amazing thing though was when I got home my husband had a hot cup of green tea brewed and ready just the way I like it. Now I firmly believe God put that idea in his head because making tea, or even thinking of hot tea as a answer for being cold and wet, it just not where my husband's mind would go. He's more of a coffee or hot chocolate man.
Therefore this afternoon and am again listing all the things I have to be grateful for. I have also been reading about the extent of world poverty in the book "The Hole In Our Gospel" and if someone living in this country can't come up with dozens of things to be grateful for after reading that book there is something wrong. We are such a blessed country. I need to remember that but also remember that a way God want's me to expess that gratitude is through helping those that are less fortunate.
So Dear Lord, always remind me of all the blessings you have given me and remind me to share those blessings with others who are not as fortunate. In Jesus name, Amen.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago