After a very bad thunderstorm Monday morning which woke me early, the weather has taken a wonderful turn toward the cooler side. It is beginning to feel like Fall. Cooler weather always makes me feel better. It helps that Fall is also my favorite time of year. So far the week is going well with no major crisis. Still do not have many clients at work and therefore can spend time knitting socks and thinking about what I am reading in my current book "Radical". It is a book that will really make you think. It has also been convicting me about my personal relationship with God and how I share/reflect him to those around me. I have not been a very good disciple maker and I need to work on that.
I also met for the first time Saturday afternoon with a new care receiver. Maybe that is a place to start, as well as at work. At the Beth Moore Simulcast God really spoke to me about my relationship with my coworkers. So this week I have also been working on being kinder to my coworkers.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago