Have not posted to this blog in simply forever but decided I would begin again to sort of document my recovery from the loss of my very best friend and soul mate. On June 12,2013 "Bo" Cowan lost his battle with all of his various health issues and joined his maker. I know I will never totally get over this loss because he was such a special part of my life for the last 28 years. Although I had been preparing for this for several weeks when the end finally came I was devastated. It was so very, very hard to touch the face of such a loved one and find it grown cold and lifeless through death. Only those who have experienced this can understand the pain one feels at that time. The one thought that helps me bear this is the promise of my Lord that we will be reunited someday. Until that time I must bear the pain of this great loss. I love you so much Bo Cowan and always will.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago