She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
Provers 31:10-11
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to
a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for him, and when
they found him, the exclaimed:
"Everyone is looking for you!"
Jesus replied, "Let us go somewhere else--to the nearby villages--so I can preach there also.
That is why I have come." So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues
and driving out demons.
Mark 1:35-39
Holy Spirit help me make a commitment to spend time alone with God each day. Remind me to treat this time with God as the most important meeting of my day. Forgive me God is I let the things of the world keep me from this precious time alone with you. Jesus help me to follow you example of spending time alone with the Father at the beginning of the day and refocusing my mission as you did when time alone with Father God set your agenda for the day. These things I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. Amen.
Personal: In this segment today Donna suggests creating an area in you house designated as a place for prayer, a room, a closet, a corner. In that area also include sacred items, your Bible, Personal Notebook, and a pen. She quoted Henri Nouwen who stated "Discipline is the human effort to creat the space in which God can be generous and give us what we need." She also stated that the reason the Proverbs 31 woman's husband could have full confidence in her was because she had full confidence in God. She reminds us that confidence in a relationship comes from investing time in the relationship. I got a laugh out of the following paragraph:
"Any determined, hardworking woman can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan.
That's no great accomplishment. A woman who is so wise she has figured out how to get the bacon to come to her and has trained her children to be servant-hearted enough to do the frying--now that's a valuable woman! That's a woman who will inspire confidence in her husband and everyone else who meets her."
I agree with Donna now that's a woman who will inspire confidence. She goes on to state her reasons for believing we need to start our day by meeting with God. I may not be a perfect Proverbs 31 woman but I do agree with Donna on this point. It just makes sense to start my day off right by meeting with God first thing. It starts my day off right. Even if that meeting is short. I have also recently quit making that meeting in the bathroom as I prepare for work but instead take time to sit at my desk which is sort of my God/Prayer corner. This is also my Bible study area and has my prayer journal, Bible, etc.
Personal Affirmation: I commit myself to time alone with God.
Practical: In this segment Donna asks you to create a specific place for time alone with God. I can't follow her other suggestion that it is a place where you do nothing else but I do have my Bible, Prayer Journal, Personal Journal, index cards, post-it notes all in a basket. When I am taking a Bible study that book and whatever my Sunday School Class is studying is also in the basket.
I have had this space and basket for a while now and find that it does help put me in the mood to focus on spending time alone with God with no distractions. There are special things that are sacred items to me, may not be to anyone else but then this is my God space/Prayer space. When I do spend that time with God before leaving the house in the morning I have a much better day. Prayer on the way to work is good and it does benefit me to talk to God about things that were triggered by my morning devotional, or things I see on the way to work or about a particular client or clients. However, that special time in nothing but prayer and quiet time for God to speak to me is just something that is important to getting my day off to the right start. I firmly believe it helps my day go better. I also have a similar place at work so that I can take time during the day for intercessory prayer or if something comes up and again it quiets my mind if things get chaotic to just sit and listen, maybe sometimes put on some quiet praise and worship music.
ADDENDUM: 4/30/09: I am feeling a little hypocritical today because after committing yesterday to spend dedicated time alone with God this morning I let the things of the world get me in a rush. I was on my way to work when I realize I had rushed through my morning devotional and prayer time and had not really given God more than a few minutes to listen to him. I felt bad for awhile but then realized that what I needed to do was not to give in to the enemy's lies and stop doing what I had committed to do but to ask God for forgiveness and recommit to giving him more time. When I got to my office I paused a few minutes and said some intercessory prayers and then just sat quietly. There were not great ahahs, no sound of harps or angels singing just blessed peace. But that peace has helped me remain calm in the eye of the storm. It also helped me keep my mouth shut during a staff meeting which included our big boss from Birmingham. Thank you Father God for giving me the answer I need even if that answer is no answer help me remain committed to spending more time with you and for forgiving me when I don't. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to bruise my conscience when I don't or when I forget my committments.
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