In this chapter Michelle focuses on taking time to linger in relationships. She first relates this to how her two dogs don't want quick pats or belly rubs but they want the person they have approached to spend some time and keep giving them the affection they want until the dog gets tired or satisfied regardless if the person wants to spend that much time with them. She then shares how she rushed through a trip in which she tried to work while also spending time with her friends. At the end of the visit she felt that she had not really connected with either her job or her friends. She then equates this to how God wants us to open ourselves up to his love and then spend enough time with him so that our souls are satisfied. He wants us to linger with him in the sense of a relationship. I know that I don't do that often enough. There are far to many times when I rush through my quiet time and Bible study and don't just set and enjoy the moments with God. I often don't even give him time to answer before I off on to another task.
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