For the remainder of the book Carol Kent devotes a chapter to each of the principles that she listed in the previous chapter. I believe that this first principle is one of the most important but also one that I really struggle with. The fact that I struggle even scheduling time alone with God has more to do with my priorities that actual life events. As I read this chapter I was again reminded of the fact that I have more than enough time to spend time alone with God if I will but get my priorities straight. I have no children at home, I have a very helpful and undemanding husband to takes care of many of the household chores.
Carol first lists the various ways that Jesus (our perfect role model) applied this principle to his life.
- He made it a priority.
- Use talking with his Father to help him clarify his mission.
- His time in prayer produced results.
- He often went to a solitary place to be alone with God.
A comment she made in this section on the four way that struck a chord with me was "A 'solitude of the heart' can be maintained when our focus is on Him and our activities are monitored by an awareness of His presence. . . . When the phone rang, I prayed for the person I was about to talk to, even before I kne who it was. When the woman in front of me at the supermarket had her credit card rejected, instead of being impatient becaue of the delay, I prayed for her." This reminded me of all the ways in which I could be praying for other people instead of always being focused on myself.
Next she list the ways Jesus told us how to spend time alone with God.
- Don't put on airs and try to impress God.
- Find a secluded place to pray, keep your prayers simple and honest.
- Talk to God as your loving Father, don't follow the formulas and techniques of others.
- When you fast don't do it to impress people.
- Remember there is a time for celebration and a time for fasting.
Of this list the one that I struggle with is the discipline of fasting. I have managed a few hours like from sunup to sundown but never longer than that except for the one day prior to a colonoscopy when I could not eat and then I had a liquid diet. That is another thing that I hope I will be better able to do once I have my bariatric surgery. Plus for a while before and after the surgery I will be on a clear liquid diet anyway. Not certain that is exactly the way God would want me to begin learning how to fast but I will take it.
She then goes into a portion on the Lord's Prayer which is the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. The next section is entitled "Personal and Direct" and she begins by saying "With God, prayer is not a 'cat-and-mouse game'; it is personal and it is powerful." She then shares and example from the life of Jesus and one from the life of a struggling pastor of what was then a dying church. Both are powerful examples of how God faithfully answers prayer but not necessarily in the manner we were expecting.
Next Carol Kent tells us how to influence others to spend time with God.
- Tell others what God is teaching you in your time with Him.
- Pray out loud together.
- Sing praise and worship songs together.
- Discuss the books and articles you are reading and suggest reading material.
- Lastly--practice! practice! practice!
This is where I am sorely lacking in my walk with God and I have been praying that He will help me improve in this area. So I think I will take her advice and begin to Practice! Practice! Practice! praying all the while that He will continue to show me ways to improve in my influence of others for His glory and purpose.