In this chapter Carol Kent tells us about how important it is that we not only talk the talk to those arounds but also walk the walk. She gives several examples of people who influenced other believers by allowing them to see just how they lived out their Christian faith. She also points out, through scriptures, how Jesus did exactly the same thing. She reminded me that there are times when I could have been a much better example to other people than what I was. One story she shared that really impressed me was the story of 76 year old Miss Elizabeth who acted as a quiet encourager, mentor, witness, and friend to women in her church. Also how she did not complain, gossip, or criticize. Yes I could do well to emulate Miss Elizabeth. Through the entire chapter there are other stories of the influence of various people, male and female, who not only shared their beliefs with other but also were a living example of these beliefs. Another point that Ms. Kent makes is that they were not always perfect. In fact she shares a story about herself and the comment she got from a young woman when she shared how she had once been overly invested in presenting such a perfect image that she often was angry at her husband and son. She told the young woman that she had been a screaming monster, a silent martyr, and a skillful pretender when trying to impress others. The young woman's response is what I really enjoyed and the point she was trying to make. "I always thought you had a perfect marriqage and that you were an ideal mother. It made me think I could never be good enough to get close to you. But now, I think we could b friends."
I believe that Ms. Kent is telling us that we need to live our faith and exemplify Jesus' teachings to the best of our abilities in all of our daily living activities. We need to not leave the lessons of the Bible in church or at home once we finish our time of study and prayer. We become God's messengers only when we carry it out into the world we live in day in and day out. I can think of several women that I have encountered in recent years who do just that and the alway impress me with their quiet humility. They are not flashy or showy in their service to God, they don't hit people over the head with their Bibles but I am certain that everyone they meet know their Christian beliefs because they live them.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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