Today marks 22 days since Bo's death. The days are getting a little easier, at least I don't have crying spells every day. Today I checked out a couple of websites for headstones, however either of them listed prices so guess I will just have to call. Think I have gotten all the necessary paperwork filed but do still have a telephonic interview with SSA. Hopefully I will be able to get a little bit in survivor's benefits since Bo did not choose to sign up for military life insurance. If that does not work I may be strapped for cash most months. I have done all I can to lower utility costs and I have enough using my SS to pay them but it does not leave anything to pay Bo's medical bills or the funeral home bill. I also still need to go through all of his stuff to determine what I want to keep, take to thrift store, sell, or just throw away. But just take it a day at a time and do what I feel like doing that day. Sometimes that means not doing anything except knitting or crocheting. Today I have mostly played on the computer.
There have been some trying times (like when the frig decided to die) but friends, benevalence fund, and devotional readings have helped me out. Some days seems like all I have facing me are bills, bills, and more bills. But I also know I can only do, what I can do and that I do have help for the asking. Asking friends and asking God in prayer. I receive daily reminders that God is with me and has not left me here alone.
Praise His mighty name.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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