What a great chapter! Debbie starts out with discussing our greatest blessing: God's Amazing Unmerited Grace. But then she goes on to say that because of this factor (God's unmeritied grace which is his blessing to us), we need to bless others. Like the two examples she gave of how blessing others has in turn more greatly bless her sons' and herself, I to have experienced that blessing others ultimately blesses me. I often think it blesses me more than my pitifully small efforts to bless others.
On page 197 inside the yarn box she talks about "Knitting a blessing". My mother was the one who taught me to love doing yarn/thread crafts but she is not the person who taught me to knit. In fact I actually taughter her how to knit. It became a blessing for both of us. The one craft my mother did that was truely her creative outlet was her quilting. This is one skill I have not acquired. She made lovely quilts many of which were her own special design. I treasure the ones she gave me. Another craft I have not learned was the one that Grandma Abbott enjoyed which was tatting. I never could see the need because I had other ways to make beautiful edging for various items, now I often think how neat it would be to add a tatted edge to a blouse or other piece of clothing.
My knitting is also a way of being able to bless others. I have setting in a chair by my desk several baby blankets that I have knit and crocheted, along with other items for babies and toddlers. In a few days they will be turned over to Project Linus and the Red Bird Mission contacts. I have no way of knowing who will ultimately end up with these items but I do know that I have been blessed by hours of enjoyable industry which have blessed me more than any one who receives the item will be blessed.
In the last part of the chapter Debbie talks about the blessing of prayer and acts of kindness. Again I could so identify with the examples she gave. I have been so greatly bless by the
prayers of others as well as their acts of kindness. Therefore, I feel that I am just returning the favor when I pray for someone else or extend to them an act of kindness
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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