This is the last chapter in the book. Like Debbie I do find that worship means several things and that each is a critical component of our worship of our creator. It is more than just the music that occurs on Sunday morning and the debate between traditional or contemporary misses the point about what worship is. For some of us the can become a jubilant as David to the old traditional hymns while other may need the more modern lively music. I personally get something out of both types. But then I am a person who has always loved all types of music.
I also agree with her comments (and others) that we need corporate worship. Her example of removing an ember from the fire and placing in on the grate where it's fire dies is a good example from my own life. Yes as she next talks about I do get much soul restoration in the intimacy of individual worship. However, I also need other people, but I don't need them to the point of busyness. Busyness is an insidious vine that can creep in and strangle my worship whether corporately or individually.
Next she talks about prayer which she sees as a part of our worship. We need to discipline ourselves to build that relationship with God, not only through worship but also through time spent in prayer. In an individual time of worship and prayer, using that ever format that works for us, then points us towards doing the same with others in corporate worship.
Let us never forget as we close out this book that as Debbie says "We were created for all these things...but most of all,we were created for love. We were created to be loved y God and to love Him back. We were created to love others and to love the life God has given us."
I'm going to close out these posts on Debbie's book just as she closed the book:
"Live creatively, friends. . . . Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Galatians 6:1, 4-5 THE MESSAGE).
We each ave been knit together by God for a purpose, for a reason. May His handiwork be evident in your life today and throughout te days to come."
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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