I keep telling myself that I will post regularly but things (life) just seems to get in the way. Is that the way with our relationship with God sometimes. I let other things get in the way. Yes, they are good things, they can even be things I know God wants me to do. However, he also desires for me to spend time with him alone.
Today as I sat knitting I was reminded again that when I follow the pattern things go so well and the piece looks like it was designed to look. However, when I don't keep my attention focused on the pattern the work does not go well and the piece does not turn out. Same thing with following God's instructions/pattern. I also realized that at times he wants me to just spend time alone with him studying, praying, listening and RESTING. I can allow myself to get to busy with life that I forget to just take time to rest in God's presence.
I have also been struggling with the issue of waiting upon the Lord. By that I mean being patient and waiting for God's answer in God's time. I am preparing for WLS and everything has come down to one last item from my primary care physician in order for the Bariatric Surgeon to schedule the surgery. I keep getting impatient with my PCP because I want her to hurry up and write the document and fax it to the surgeon's office. I have to remind myself that I am not her only patient and this will happen on her time schedule and God's which isn't always as fast as mine.
The other thing on my mind recently has been that God does not answer "Maybe". His answer is either "yes, no, or wait" but it is never "maybe". He does not say "well maybe I'll let you do that even though I know it is the wrong choice." He also does not say "well maybe I'll have you serve in a foriegn mission field". He gives us a clear calling and clear answers. I however, don't always listen or chose to accept his answer. I keep trying to turn a "no" into a "yes" and a "wait" into a "yes, now". When I do that I am unhappy and things do not go well. I become anxious, angry, irritable, and unfortunately those around me often suffer.
Lord, today my prayer is that you help me to hear your answers clearly and accept the "no's" and "waits" as readily as I do the "yeses". Help me to keep my attention on your pattern for my life and to follow your instructions. Relieve me of my selfishness and self-centeredness. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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