It has been a very sad weekend around my house. Sunday morning when I got up to go to church I discovered our old dachsund/beagle mix Doodle Bug had died during the night. So instead of going to church I took a trip to the emergency clinic to have them take care of the body. He will be very sorely missed. He brought us so much joy and laughter. He truely was our little fat clown dog. Our other little dog is at a loss as she can not really understand what has happened. She has been very quite and just follows us around from room to room. I prefer to think that he is now in heaven making the angels laugh. As for me every time I think of him I start crying. I know my tears are for me and my loss because he is most certainly healthier where he is. Some people may think it is silly to grieve the loss of a dog but they are just as much my friends as any human.
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