Although I am still missing my old clown dog, I had a very productive weekend. I am looking forward to a much better week. Tomorrow I have my visit with my primary care physician to get my medical clearance for bariatric surgery. Over the weekend I finished a crocheted cotton Empire top, my first serious cable project, and learned to make socks. The cable project is a purse. I used some fat quarters I got a Hobby Lobby to make the lining and added some studs from my Beadazzler. The socks took so long to figure out because it took me a while to locate a website that explained that knitting in the round is a little different from flat knitting. With knitting in the round to make sockinette stitching and garter stitching you do just the opposite of what you do for flat knitting. It made me think of the fact that although there are several good theologians and preachers whose sermans can be found on the good Christian websites, there are also those who are not completely Biblical. Several are what are commonly called Good New/Prosperity Evangelists. You have to find the complete instructions and for that the website is the Bible. Only by studying the Bible in its entirity can you learn what you really need to have your life knit together as God intends. By that I don't mean that you must read the whole Bible every time you hear something but that you must read the full passage and take it in context. It is also very helpful if you can also study the Bible with a few reliable teachers, in a group so that you are not basing your understanding on your own interpretation. Then you are more apt to grasp the full content of God's message (his instructions). Like the socks, when I do that things flow so easily. However, when I don't I struggle. With the socks that means I have to unravel stitches and sometimes rows and start over. With my live, I go through periods when things are just not right and again I struggle with doubts, irritability, fear, etc.
I also read a really wonderful devotational this morning that came in my email. It talked about how sometimes we just need to sit in silence with God. This is a skill that has taken a long time for me to acquire but one that every time I will slow down long enough to do it, brings rewards.
Therefore, my prayer today is that I will spend time in God's Word learning his instructions for my life but that I will also spend some time just being silent before him as a form of prayer and a sign of my obedience.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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