Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ch. 21 - The Big Picture
She ends the chapter with the statement that even though we are different "ther is no excuse for not loving and respecting one another." She also makes the statement that the fact that animals often get it better than we humans do as being a sign of God's sense of humor.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
One of my assignments yesterday in The Daily Writer
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Ch. 20: The Beauty of Being Different
Sunday, December 13, 2009
This week's lesson from Michelle
Friday, December 4, 2009
New blog started
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Only read chapter 18 this week
Saturday, November 21, 2009
This week's reading:14, 15, 16
Michelle starts this chapter off with two stories of loss. The feelings of loss a young boy and a woman has when their dogs are stolen. The feelings she experiences when the man she loved dies. It was at this point that she tells us of her return to church and how Jesus restored her. In the "Sound Bite" at the end of the chapter she talks about the love of Jesus.
Chapter 15: The Danger of Judging Others
God has really been pushing this message with me this week. In two different books this week I have read lessons about hte danger of judging others. One book talks about how you can't judge someone's worth based on their looks and in this chapter Michelle shows us that what we judge in others we may have to deal with in our own life. She judged her assistant's dog as being a problem because her assistant did not properly train him but then she gets a dog that is difficult to train and misbehaves in many of the same ways. She then equates this to God's love of us inspite of the ways in which we may misbehave.
Chapter 16: The Contageous Nature of Sin
Michelle starts the chapter by telling us how kennel cough made it's way through the three dogs in her household at the time; her two and a friend's dog that was staying with them. Once again she equates this to how sin can spread through a church and/or a person. The shoe pinched when she talked about pride and how some of us try so hard to get other's approval. She can give me some good lessons through her stories of her dogs. In this chapter she talked about how her male dog (the new dog in the house) was only trying to win her approval and get attention because he was overly needy for attention. Her female dog had never felt this need because she knew of the beginning that she was the apple of Michelle's eye. Michelle once again uses this to relate a lesson from the Bible in this chapter is how Jesus did not give into Satan's temptations in the desert because he knew who and what he was and that he already had all he needed. In other words he knew Satan's temptations were but hallow reflections of what he already had. In sound bites at the end of the chapter she talked about how we can learn to love things that are not good for us. She talked about if she allows her dogs to eat people food then they will come to expect that and not eat the things that are healthy for them. Again she shared how we are the same way when it comes to God and God's words.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Several more chapters read this week: 11, 12, 13
In this chapter Michelle begins by telling us how her dog Milan sits by the door all day waiting for Michelle to return. She equates this to love; stating that Milan does this because she loves Michelle and that Michelle is a priority to Milan. Michelle then talks about times when she has placed that kind of love and trust in human and the hurt she felt when they failed. Next she equates Milan's love to God's love for us and how we are a priority. But by the same token our love for God should be the same and God should be a priority with us but more often than not it is more like some of the human lover's Michelle has had.
Chapter 12: The Intrigue of Community
Here Michelle talks about how dogs link their owners into a community. She shares what happened when one of her dog walkers did something that upset Milan and how she would never trust him again to walk her. In paws to reflect Michelle discusses the sense of community and communal living that the first Christians enjoyed. Ultimately she shared how having and loving that little dog has brought her out of her self-centeredness into a life of community with others.
In Chapter 13: The Trouble With Jealousy Michelle talks about how male doggie friends of Milan's have expressed their jealousy and how Milan does not react well to their behavior. In Paws to Reflect she then equates that to how God may react when we spurn his love. She shares how a woman totally misunderstood the statement that "God is a jealous god." The woman thought that God was jealous of her. The woman really was quite arrogant to think such a thing. I agree with Michelle that God is jealous over us and not willing to share us with other gods. She then shared what happened when she was jealous over a man. I certainly know what she is talking about there, having been in the same place.
This is a fun book to read. The dog Milan does things that are very funny but then Michelle has a way of turning that into a lesson about God, God's love, what our response to that love should be. She hit the mark with this last chapter.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Ch. 8, 9, and 10
Ch. 8: Interesting Thing About Expectations.
The way Michelle talks about how her first shih tzu "Milan" began to expect to be allowed to sleep cuddled up next to her not just on the couch but also the bed was funny. Knowing how cute and pitiful a dog can look when they are begging for something I could almost picture this little ball of fluff and his sweet face begging to be let on the bed. I could just as easily see how once that expection was met he would quickly lose interest. I agree with Michelle this is so much like some of us humans. We beg and beg our Father God for something and then when we get it we soon lose interest. It sort of reminds me of an old Garth Brooks song "Thank God for Unanswered Prayers", in which the songwriter realizes when meeting and old girlfriend that he is so glad that God did not answer his prayers that she be his and instead made him wait for the woman that was truely the best for him. However, how human that little dog was when he just would not stop even when he proved to himself that the bed was to high from him to jump on. It is a reminder of times when I just would not take God's answer of no and just kept pushing for what I wanted. By the same token when I did ultimately get what I had presisted on it is not really all that important weeks, months now the line when the new wears off.
Michelle also talks about how expectations build in a relationship. When the relationship is new we may not expect must from the other person but as the relationship grows so do our expectations. The arguments grow as our expectations go unmet. Often we are expecting the other person to fill places that only God can. Or even worse we expect the other person to make us happy, feel pretty, give us praise, make us feel worthwhile, you get the picture. In many instances only God through his word and we ourselves can make us feel those things, can meet those expectations. When the other person fails to fulfill our expectations we feel hurt, angry, unloved, etc. I need to remember I am happier in my relationship with my husband when I expect his to only give me those things that he is capable of giving. In other words I allow him to be who he is and allow God to, or God's way to met the other expectations.
Ch. 9: The Flattery of Reflection
Michelle begins this chapter talking about how Milan is a lot like his master. Neither of them like to get up early nor do they like to get up early and go out in the cold. Another way they are alike is they want things the way they are familiar with them being. Michelle then equates this to our relationship with God. First she talks about how God wants us to be like him by being Christ like. Again she uses human tendency to reflect what God wants. She uses as her example how parents want their children to be like them. When we draw closer to God and become "little Christs", "we begin to reflefct His beauty and grace and love to others aroundus, causing them to draw close and love Him too." "And I won't mind losing myself and ooking like God because it feels so good. And that my friends, is a beautiful thing."
Ch. 10: The Secret of Conversion
In this chapter Michelle talks about how her dog, Milan, has won over people who claim they do not like dogs or are afraid of dogs. He doesn't do it by imposing himself in their space but by simply being himself and respecting their boundaries. He minds his own business and does not try to push his way into their affections. In some cases he even ignores them and does his thing. Michelle stated that it was if he could sense that the other person was afraid or did not like dogs so he avoid them, often curling up and going to sleep in his own space.
Michelle then choses this as an example of how we might want to approach converting people to God. Not by being loud, obnoxious, or pushy but by quietly reflect God's love and reflecting it's work in our lives. It is not unlike AA's principle of "attraction not promotion". AA does not have an active public relations firm touting all of it's benefits but rather lets the attraction of changed lives bring more people to AA. "Just as God woos us with His love and grace, and people are changed through a relationship, the secret to winning friends and infuencing people seems to be much more simple than we make it." She goes on to say instead of trying to strong arm others into our way of thinking we should just be ourselves and then let our behaviors attract people to our point of view. She suggests that instead of screams others get saved we need to "make a relationship with God look so good that those searching for peace and true joy will . . . get jealous of what we have and want in."
All three of these have been very good lessons for me. I got a good lesson in expectations this week. Every employee almost in th company I work for have come to expect rather generous Christmas bonuses, the largest of any company in our profession. Well this year because of the economy we are not getting a bonus. At first I was rather angry as were others but then my supervisor sort of put it into persective. A bonus is not something that is owed me for my work but rather a gift given to express appreciation for what I have done over and above what is required of me. My annual evalution was not really changed from last year even though I have been patting myself on the back for being better at my one flaw (or least in my supervisor's point of view) which is angry outbursts when I feel people are trying to take advantage (or that is how he sees it). His perception is a little different than my outlook that causes the behavior. However, the out come is the same. It puts a sense of fear in others because they fear my angry outbursts. His way of wording it also let me know he understands where I am coming from but like God he is saying I don't want you to question their actions I want you to do what I have asked you to do which is being helpful when your caseload allows you that time. I realized as we talked that I still have this sense of "fairness". I only want to help someone if they are doing what they are suppose to be doing just as I do (in my mind only). What my supervisor and God are saying is no, as a Christian you need to be bigger than that, and if you really do not have the time to help then say so in a more pleasant manner.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Ch. 6 & 7
I really had to laugh when she shared the incident of a dog lifting his leg to her male dogs head and how the rest of the day other dogs did the same because of the first dogs scent. She equated this to how our small little sins attract larger and larger sins or opportunities for Satan to get a toehold into us.
Chapter 7 deals with teach obedience. How she needs to teach her dog obedience and why and then equating that to why we need to learn to obey God. Basically she condensed it down to the fact that her dogs are safer and happier when they are obediant to her commands because they get praise and treats. God does not directly give us praise but he does give us blessings and we are safer and happier when we obey him. Also she equated obedience to love. We obey God because we love him and her dogs obey her because they love her and want to please her. I just wished I could remember that part about how I am safer and happier when I obey God.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ch. 5: The Magnitude of Decision
Ch. 4: Law of Attraction
Monday, October 26, 2009
Ch. 3: The Phenomenon of Focus
Next she shares about that the clues for meaning that you are looking for are not necessarily in the things that scream loudly, interrupting your thoughts. She equate these loud things to television commercials. We keep coming back, according to Michelle, to that which "has been misplacd among your efforts at survival." To me that means we keep coming back to what we think is our purpose, direction, focus in life. However, she gives us a caveat that it isn't always what we expected it to be. Again I can certainly agree with that statement. Whenever I reflect back on my life course I certain did not expect to arrive at this place. It was at this point where she becomes certain that she is going to get a dog.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Chapter 2: The Value of Good Neighbors
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A New Book
My two dogs are precious to me even though they can be a nuisance at times. They can also be loving, comical, and adoring. Their reactions when I first get home everyday, they are overjoyed and act like it has been days or even weeks since they last saw me. This is a reminder to me of the joy I feel when I spend time with God, particularly after a time of absence. It is also the same when I am in a valley of darkness for some reason. One of my dogs, Dancer a female manchester terrier/chichaua mix, has allergy problems to some of the local grasses and some household scents. When her tummy itches she scoots along the carpet on her stomach. When her nose itches she almost stands on her head in order to scratch her nose on the carpet. Both actions bring my laughter because she just looks so goofy. I believe that God sometimes laughs at me because of the silly, goofy things I do. My other dog Doodlebug is a dachsund/basset mix who is overweight and to see him run down the hall with his ears flying out in a straight line from his head as his stubby little legs propel him at his top speed (which is not very fast) is just to funny. He even seems to be grinning much like a child glad that their parent has come home. There have been times in my life where I wanted to run to the foot of the cross in just that way. My joy over been one of God's children was just that great.
However, the are time when Doodle is grumpy, like when he is buried under the pillows on the sofa asleep and I wake him up. At those times he reminds me that there are times when I feel grumpy about going to church, studying my Bible, or other things I know God wants me to do. Or when he is just lazy and won't move off the sofa and just wants to you scratch his belly reminds me that at times I'm just being lazy instead of doing what God urges me to do. Oh yes, I agree with Michelle there are many lessons my dogs bring me.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Created For Worship
I also agree with her comments (and others) that we need corporate worship. Her example of removing an ember from the fire and placing in on the grate where it's fire dies is a good example from my own life. Yes as she next talks about I do get much soul restoration in the intimacy of individual worship. However, I also need other people, but I don't need them to the point of busyness. Busyness is an insidious vine that can creep in and strangle my worship whether corporately or individually.
Next she talks about prayer which she sees as a part of our worship. We need to discipline ourselves to build that relationship with God, not only through worship but also through time spent in prayer. In an individual time of worship and prayer, using that ever format that works for us, then points us towards doing the same with others in corporate worship.
Let us never forget as we close out this book that as Debbie says "We were created for all these things...but most of all,we were created for love. We were created to be loved y God and to love Him back. We were created to love others and to love the life God has given us."
I'm going to close out these posts on Debbie's book just as she closed the book:
"Live creatively, friends. . . . Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Galatians 6:1, 4-5 THE MESSAGE).
We each ave been knit together by God for a purpose, for a reason. May His handiwork be evident in your life today and throughout te days to come."
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Created For Blessing
On page 197 inside the yarn box she talks about "Knitting a blessing". My mother was the one who taught me to love doing yarn/thread crafts but she is not the person who taught me to knit. In fact I actually taughter her how to knit. It became a blessing for both of us. The one craft my mother did that was truely her creative outlet was her quilting. This is one skill I have not acquired. She made lovely quilts many of which were her own special design. I treasure the ones she gave me. Another craft I have not learned was the one that Grandma Abbott enjoyed which was tatting. I never could see the need because I had other ways to make beautiful edging for various items, now I often think how neat it would be to add a tatted edge to a blouse or other piece of clothing.
My knitting is also a way of being able to bless others. I have setting in a chair by my desk several baby blankets that I have knit and crocheted, along with other items for babies and toddlers. In a few days they will be turned over to Project Linus and the Red Bird Mission contacts. I have no way of knowing who will ultimately end up with these items but I do know that I have been blessed by hours of enjoyable industry which have blessed me more than any one who receives the item will be blessed.
In the last part of the chapter Debbie talks about the blessing of prayer and acts of kindness. Again I could so identify with the examples she gave. I have been so greatly bless by the
prayers of others as well as their acts of kindness. Therefore, I feel that I am just returning the favor when I pray for someone else or extend to them an act of kindness
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Not really related
Saturday, September 26, 2009
You Were Created For Gratitude
Today while running usual Saturday errands to include picking up something for my husband I got throughly soaked to the skin. Initially I found myself complaining to God about having to be out in the rain and getting really wet. Telling God that He really could have had the rain let up just a little when I had to go in and out of the car to reach a building. As I type this now that seems so totally absurd but I did do that. Needless to say this is one day He felt I needed to get my feathers literally wet. The amazing thing though was when I got home my husband had a hot cup of green tea brewed and ready just the way I like it. Now I firmly believe God put that idea in his head because making tea, or even thinking of hot tea as a answer for being cold and wet, it just not where my husband's mind would go. He's more of a coffee or hot chocolate man.
Therefore this afternoon and am again listing all the things I have to be grateful for. I have also been reading about the extent of world poverty in the book "The Hole In Our Gospel" and if someone living in this country can't come up with dozens of things to be grateful for after reading that book there is something wrong. We are such a blessed country. I need to remember that but also remember that a way God want's me to expess that gratitude is through helping those that are less fortunate.
So Dear Lord, always remind me of all the blessings you have given me and remind me to share those blessings with others who are not as fortunate. In Jesus name, Amen.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
You Were Created For Laughter
Then the conversation turned to strange things we have eaten and between myself and someone else who had also lived overseas we had the group and ourselves laughing until our sides hurt. They were both repulsed and laughing at our descriptions.
There were two sections that I really enjoyed, these were; that we need to laugh at ourselves and that God wants us to laugh. God created us to laugh, to experience joy and the release of laughter. I think this is why laughing has such benefical results on the human body. One of the things my addiction robbed me of was my ability to laugh. I remember vividly hearing a deep, roaring belly laugh coming from my body. That kind of laughter really is, as Debbie says, exercise. It is still an a amazingly healing time to spend a few hours with friends that leave my sides hurting from laughing so much. To laugh until the need for my bladder control underwear is very apparent.
The situations of Debbie's that I identified with were putting pantyhose and the street vendor in Hong Kong suddenly jumping out in front of her yelling "we even have your sizes". The pantyhose identification is understood by just about any woman who has ever worn pantyhose. The street vendor is more identified by American women who have ever spent anytime shopping in Japan, Korea, Hong Kong (China) because oriental women are so much smaller than most of us. It is often almost impossible to find ready made items in their local markets that will fit.
This chapter brought back some memories fond and not so fond. It also brought back some much needed laughter.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Created For Work
Goals for This Year
List three new things you'd like to experience this year:
1. The joy of being philantropic
2. The wonder of God in a new way
3. A renewed sense of purpose
List three nonfiction books you want to read this year:
1. The Whole in Our Gospel
2. Finding God in the Shack
3. Never Give Up (Joyce Meyer)
List three things about yourself you want to impove:
1. Weight
2. Habit of exercising
3. Use of time
I. Spiritual Goals: Read through the Bible using the chronological study Bible NKJV and daily time alone with God.
II. Family Goals: Be more loving and respectful toward my husband and contact my daughter more often.
III. Physical Goals: Exercise more and loose weight.
IV. Career Goals: Find a realistic way to make more money because it appears that we will not get the annual bonus and cost of living increase that we have been getting. Get started on becoming a free lance writer.
V. Recreational Goals: Be able to attend an out-of-town conference/seminar/workshop related to work, church, or writing.
VI. Financial Goals: Begin to make enough money to become truely philantropic.
These are my answers. Please leave a comment and let me know what yours and then we can pray and encourage one another to reach our goals.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Created For The Word
The next section "Believing What We Read" has never been an issue with me. I know that the people who wrote it AND translated it (including the King James Version which is a translation) we God-inspired. I also like the simplicity of the three options she quoted from Voddie Baucham (pastor and speaker). Those really are the only three options and leave you with only one option. The three options are:
1. Men were the source of the Bible.
2. Satan was the source of the Bible.
3. God is the source of the Bible.
Baucham explains that if men were the source then they were evil men attempting to deceive people. If the Satan was the source he painted himself as the villain and revealed the only means by which men can resist and defeat him, which doesn't make sense. Therefore it comes down to the God is the source of the Bible.
I also agree that I have been guilty of what she talks about in the next section, which is using the Bible to bail me out. I have learned has Debbie says to spend consistent time with God, reading and studying his word. I may use her idea of each year reading through a different version of the Bible. This year I am using the Chronological Bible and maybe next year I use The Message or maybe one of the one that have The Message and another version together. Maybe her selection of the New Century Version which I have never used before.
Next she talked about the four words she uses as criteria for every story she writes. These four words are: provocative, relevant, creative, honesty. She then equated those four words to the Bible.
Her next section talks about the fact that studying God's Word require discipline and she equated this to knitting in a very interesting way that I had never thought of. First is you only practice knitting a stitch for a little while and then quitting you don't progress as a knitter. The more you knit the more accomplished you become and the more you study and put God's Word into your heart and lives the more beautiffuly His love is able to be revealed. Then if all you ever knit is scarves using only one stitch you miss out on the other beautiful things that can be made. If we only go to the Bible when times are difficult we never develop that close personal relationship with God.
Then she talks about developing an active prayer life. In this section she reminds us that there are times when God leaves prayers unanswered and we will ultimately see that this was for our good. We forget that God has the big picture. I know in my life I have seen this to be true but it is only in hindsight that I realize this.
Lastly she closes the chapter with a section entitled "Savorin God's Word" and shares that for her the best way to savor God's Word is to be in Bible studies with other people, particularly women, as either a student or a teacher. She closes the chapter with a wonderful story about having her heat go out during cold period in Seattle where she lives. It turned out the only thing wrong was that the filters were dirty and needed cleaned out. She leaves this chapter will the following advice:
"If you are in need of a heart cleanup, the best place to start is with the Word. Take the time you need to spend with God each day. Study His Word and memorize it so you can take it with you wherever you go. Savor His love for you, and remember that you are indeed created for the Word. It is our only true road map that will show us where to go next."
So spend time with God through His Word this week.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Post Simulcast comments
My Dear Sister
God has not overlooked you.
He has not ignored you.
He hears every petition and intimately knows the heart beneath it.
Give Him full access to all your longings.
Pray every single day to become a person who delights in Him.
When it seems to disappear remember to check your JAW.
Are you Jealous?
Are you Angry?
Are you Worried?
Roll it all on Jesus He's strong enough to carry it, big enough to handle it.
Trust God with all your heart, now leave this place and go into the world and do some GOOD.
Today this has meant a great deal to me. As I ponder the message that I got from the simulcast it is helpful to have Beth's message simplified in this manner.
This coupled with some good news that I received this weekend confirms that I am moving in the right direction on some things in my life. It almost makes me remember the recent days, weeks when Satan began to place doubt in my mind. Maybe I can work this up some how into a plaque and put in my office to remind me of this weekend's message.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Created for Relationships
So for me personally I will persue God's purpose for my life and to commit to make room for delighting in God.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
We Are Created For Balance
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Chapter 4: Created for Success
In "Finding Success in the Small Things she tells another story about one of her children and his performance in a Christmas program. I can relate to the story and both the mother and the child. How often have I gotten all the way to the end of the verse, only to forget the reference source. But the story in this section that most touched me her joy over receiving $5 for story. Like Debbie it has long been my ambition to write. Not great novels but just stories that will help other people. My mission statement for years has been to "be of service to God and to others". My work gives me a sense of being of service to God and others in one area of my life and I would like writing articles and other things to be another area of service. You might say this blog and some other activities that I started as a result of the last study are my taking a risk. I have been finding some success in the small things, such as my Examiner.com articles.
Debbie's next section is "Characteristics of a Successful Woman". The first trait is that successful women trust themselves. My favorite line in this sections is "A successful woman realizes this [that life is made up of good and hard times] and accepts that each one of those hart experiences is essential in shaping her into the woman she is today." She then shares a story that demonstrates what I heard in one of my support groups "no matter where you go there you are". We find exactly what we are looking for, what we trust ourselves to be, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The next trait is that a successful woman accepts responsibility for herself. Here Debbie lists several well known, famous individuals along with the fact that as children 3/4's of them as children were troubled by either poverty, a broken home, or overly possessive, dominating parents. Some were physically handicapped by blindness, deafness, or crippled limbs. Some came from families that now days would be labeled as dysfunctional. "And yet, from such poor circumstances, God was able to create success." In this segment and previous one Debbie tells us to (1) prepare a mission statement and (2) set goals. Again these were things that we were also instructed to do in the previous study. Debbie tells us that these goals should be defined by what she calls "the S.M.A.R.T. plan" meaning that they should be Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Timed. The last thngs she addresses in this segment is wasting time. In particular she focuses on telephone calls/requests. She gives us this advice "The next time someone or something comes along seeking your time, ask yourself, 'If I agree and answer yes to this request, what am I sayiing no to?' If you take on that project at work, what are you givng up? If you agree to organize that event at church, what will you be unable to do at home?"
Next trait a successful woman invests in herself. Debbie stated that the first way that she started investing in herself was by listening to motivational tapes. However, she furtgher states that she does not just listen to these tapes as she drives, puts on her makeup, etc.; she does what the speaker tells her to do. I have recently order an MP3 Player and Earbuds so that I can download free Bible Studies and speaches/sermons by well know Christian teachers; male and female. These are available through www.oneplace.com.
The last trait she discusses is that a successful woman thinks about success. One of the biggest determining factors in achieving success is whether you keep a PMA (Postive Mental Attitude). She advises that we stay positive and surround ourselves with upbeat, constructive people.
Lastly Debbie tells us to remember the Five "Be's"
Be Proud. Take pride in who and what you are because you are special in God's eyes.
Be Persistent. Go after your goals with everything you have and don't give up.
Be Bold. Dare to dream! God did not creat us with the intention of watching us sit back like sulking alley cats waiting for a handout.
Be Grateful. Appreciate the little things in life. Appreciate the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
Be Yourself. No one ever found success by trying to be someone else. The scripture she uses here is very good. Matthew 23:11-12 "Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty." (The Message).
So let's remember God created us for success so whatever our dreams are we should take a risk and step out to claim the success he has for us.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Created For Risk
In the section "The Art of Risk-Taking" she shared that a resource that has helped her in overcoming her hears of success and reaching her dreams was a book by Kate White Why Good Girls Don't Get Ahead . . . But Gutsy Girls Do. She states that she learned that a gutsy girl is not a bad girl but one who does not mind charting her own course and taking risks. Debbie said that she also learned from White to have a different perspective and giving fear another name.
"It could be terrifying--or it could be challenging.
It could be foreign--or it could be intriguing
It could expose your ignorance--or your ability to learn."
Macomber further tells us that in order for our dreams to see the light of success, we must learn to take control of our fears by turning them over to God and focus on what is really important. She further states that God is the anchor we can use to turn our dreams from wispy fantasies to realities.
In the next section Debbie Macomber addresses "Overcoming Doubt", she stated that even after we get over our fear of taking a risk and pursue our God-given dreams we will have to deal with doubt, it will come and go but you can't let it stop you from accomplishing your goal. We have to "Trust God when we can't see the road map isn't easy, but it's necessary". Debbie said that for her the best was to overcome doubt is to remember God's promises. She then lists these twelve
- God's presence - He'll never leave you. (Heb. 13:5)
- God's protection - He our shield and great reward. (Gen. 15:1)
- God's power - He will strengthen us. (Isaiah 41:10)
- God's provision - He will help us. (Isaiah 41:10)
- God's leading - He goes ahead of us. (John 10:4)
- God's purposes - He has raised us for this very purpose. (Exodus 9:15-16)
- God's rest - He will give us rest. (Mat. 11:28)
- God's cleansing - He will forgive us and purify us. (1 John 1:9)
- God's goodness - He does not withhold any goodness. (Psalm 84:11)
- God's faithfulness -He will not reject us. (1 Samuel 12:22)
- God's guidance - He guides us. (Psalm 25:9)
- God's wise plan- He works all things for good for us. (Romans 8:28)
Debbie tells us in the next section to "Believe in Yourself". She states that we are created for risk. She quoted Robert Kennedy "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly". Debbie then shares several stories that prove her point. I particularly liked the one about praying for parking spots because I have frequently done that and just like for Debbie, God has provided parking spaces where I need them.
Lastly Debbie share that it is okay to make mistakes. She says, "It's okay if we make mistakes. It's okay if we fail. But we can't ever stop trying. We can't ever not try. Because then we push aside all the wonderful things God has given each of us to help us succeed with our dreams. And then we're taking something away from God."
Messages like Debbie's from other sources have helped me begin once again to pursue one of my dreams about writing. So far I have not written a book. But I have begun to publish simple articles for an on-line magazine. Check out my articles at http://www.examiner.com/x-17689-Huntsville-Christian-Missions-Examiner. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Created For Dreams
"So let's think about your dream. What is it you want to do most? Do you want to
open a business? To become a performer--a musician or an actress? Do you want
to work with your hands in the medical field, or work with your hands as an artist?
Whatever it is, it's time to sit dowan and give it an honest evaluation so you can
plot your dream's course."
After sharing some of her own experiences in which she questioned her dream about becoming a writer and the difficulties she ran into before that dream became a reality, she then lists three lies. "So often when it comes to our dreams, our greatest enemy is ourselves. . . .when you see the lie for what it is you can take the first step toward achieving your dreams. As the Bible says, the truth will set you free. Behind each of these lies we encounter, there's a truth we must face if we're going to move forward and achieve our dreams."
Lie #1: It's who you know. Debbie states that when we tell ourselves this lie we are discounting our dreams. She further states that often we rely on other people to make our dreams happen. However, it is not their dream and it is not their passion but ours and it is up to us to take action and believe. Remember, what we often think of as self-talk is really the whispers of the Great Deceiver trying to steer us away from the dream God has placed in us. If he can get us to not believe in ourselves he has won a battle in the spiritual war because we are no longer effectively fulfilling the purpose for which God made us.
Lie #2: I'm too old. "It is far too easy to use age as an excuse for almost anything". Of believing this lie I know I have been guilty. Debbie shares a story of a wonderful woman in her 80's who believes that age is a matter of the mind. "Marilyn George was a commercial fisherman in Alaska who has decided to write about her experiences." Debbie also talked about the group of ladies in their 80's that she swims with five mornings a week. Debbie then reminds her readers that Golda Meir was seventy-on when she became prime minister of Israel. George Bernard Shaw was ninety-four when one of his plays was first produced Benjamin Franklin help frame the United States consitution when he was eighty-one. Age is a state of mind, when we say were are too old to accomplish our dreams it is an excuse and simply means we are unwill to pay the price. "Don't let it be your excuse".
Lie #3: It's too hard. Debbie calls this negative self-thinking (I often call it negative self-talk). It has no place around our God-given dreams according to Debbie. She also reminded me that I am my own worst judge, my own worst enemy. I say things to myself that I would never say to someone else. I need to remember that God loves me and He would never say the things I say to myself. One of her comments hit me on the head so strong and actually involved lies two and three. I am making a commentment to myself today that from now on I will not use the two adjectives "old" and "fat" to describe myself. God through Debbie's writing has convicted me of believing the Deceiver's lies about myself when I use these words. He also reminded me that I am strong because He makes me strong regardless of chronological age or body size and he will give me the strength to do whatever he wants me to do.
Lastly Debbie tells me to believe in my dreams. "We were created to dream, to imagine, and to wonder. By doing anything less, we rob God of the opportunity to make those dreams come true." However, I must be willing to do what it takes to pursue my dreams.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Day - New Study
The first thing she references is Psalm 139 in which David talks about God knitting us together in our mother's wombs. Each chapter deals with something we are created by God for. The first is that we are created for a purpose. She of course begins by sharing about herself in the part subtitled "Finding Purpose in Humble Beginnings", in which she talks about how she has always wanted to be a writer although she considered this an impossibled dream. Her reasons were that she was a poor student, she was dyslexic, she bearly finished high school and got married almost right away and then rapidly had four children. But inspite of these she became a writer and a very good one. She gives this advice for us to find our purpose by considering our passion. She asks these two questions. What is it that gets me excited? Why do I love it?
"God has a plan for your life and a purpose that fits into His master plan.
But He doesn't want you to float through life waiting for a giant bolt of
lightning to fall from heaven and point out what you're supposed to be
doing. He gave each of us a brain as well as a heart. We have to listen
to both to truly discover the pattern God has for our lives."
However, she also advises that we remain flexible and she reminds us that our lives do not end when our spouses die or our children grow up and leave home. She then shares a story of a woman who longed to be on Broadway but all of her efforts to become an actress failed. But through a chance she became a limo driver who one day her rider was Liza Minnelli. Ms. Minnelli began to regularly request this woman as her driver and later suggested that she start her own limousine service. So the woman purchased a limousine on her credit card and started her own business. She turned this into the most successful limousine services in New York City, catering to the Broadway stars as well as other famou clientele. Her dream of working on Broadway was realized but not as she originally invisioned. Next Debbie encourages us to be patient as well as passionate, and "to enjoy every step of the journey instead of being greedy for more and more." She then goes on to quote Oswald Chambers; "God's training is for now, not later. His purpose is for this very minute, not for sometime in the future. We have nothing to do with what will follow our obedience, and we are wrong to concern ourselves with it. What people call preparation, God sees as the goal itself."
For this chapter (and for me this week) Debbie leaves us with this prayer;
"It is my prayer for you that as you look to God for your purpose, you will continue along your journey by living creatively and with hope in the knowledge that God wants the best for you." [Amen.]
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Day 90: Final Evaluation
1. Am I listening for and hearing God's voice? What is he saying to me?
During this study God has pressed on my heart to not only clear out some clutter from my home but also to press forward with some things he had laid on my heart earlier. Particularly the mission of turning my crafts into something that would benefit others. This lead to starting the Asbury Blanketeers. This has already resulted in a new friend who has volunteered to help with this project. As well as two women that I have been corresponding with that I look forward to meeting.
Something else that he has laid on my heart is that I may be getting old and I may make some mistakes but that God is not finished with me yet. I am still a work in progress that he has much more work to do and work for me to do.
2. Am I increasingly manifesting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23)? What areas look encouraging? What needs prayer?
During this study I have done fairly well at manifesting love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, and for the most part gentleness. However, I need prayer and the Holy Spirit's help with patience, faithfulness, and defineately self-control. I still lose patience with other, struggle with remaining faithful to my 111.1 commitment. My biggest struggle continues to be controlling my mouth both in what comes out of it and what I put in it. When I'm tired and not feeling good like I have been for the last two weeks I am at my weakest and need to turn to God more but don't always. At those times I say things I later regret and I eat way too many carbs.
3. What did God teach me during my TAG?
God has laid several things on my heart in my time alone with him. For the most part it sort of relates to my answer in the first question. Some of it is just scriptures that come to mind or that he leads me to that stimulate my brain to probe deeper some topic or question. I have started recording these and keeping a journal which I hope to turn into something just not sure what God wants me to do with it yet. Maybe it is just for me but I have a deep sense that it is not.
4. Which priorities did I live by? Which goals did I pursue?
During this study one of my primary priorities was to of course, finish the study. Also to become more dedicated in daily study of God's word in some what. I had also hoped to work on diet and exercise and early on I did but that has slacked off again. Now I need to jumpstart that again. I need to become more determined in what I purchase with regards to food. I have also become a little more determined on attempting to find additional streams of income. So far that has not panned out very well but there are somethings in process that hopefully will materialize in time. Something I have not really talked about but have been working on is writing more and that too has improved. The discipline of writing this blog everyday has also lead to other daily writings.
5. Which priorities or goals did I neglect?
For the most part as mentioned above that has been the goals of diet and exercise. As usual I did well for the first few weeks but more recently have given into the desire for chocolate and a bad sinus infection has proven an excuse to stay in bed longer in the morning. For the last two weeks I have gotten up just in time to make it to work at noon. Really need to get back into the habit of getting up and going to the wellness center at least three mornings a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
6. What new thing did I learn--about life, God, my family, and the people around me?
Right now I can not think of anything new I learned. It was more like a reaffirming of things I already knew but tend to forget.
7. What are my specific priorities/goals for the next ninety days?
- Become rededicated to diet and exercise.
- Continue to spend TAG daily, studing His Word, and following His lead.
- Remain faithful in my two new projects with the book club and the blanketeers.
- To continue to write and possibly turn that writing into a source of income.
- To begin a new study besides the book club reading and post to this blog regularly.
- To use Just Ramblings to begin to explore some of the things God has me asking questions about.
- Continue to ask the Holy Spirit to help me manifest the fruits of the Spirit in all areas of my life.
For those few who have been following check back to see which book I chose next. I will return.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Day 89: Final Checkup
A wife of nobel character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her servant girls.
She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamps does not go out at night.
In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindles with her fingers.
She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.
When it snows, she has not fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.
She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Man women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:10-31
Dear Father God, thank you for my mother who taught the skills so that I can make clothes for myself, my family, and to sell. Also that I can use to be of service to you and others. Thank you for also clothing me with strength and dignity so that I can laugh at the days to come. Holy Spirit, guide me so that I can speak with wisom and so that faithful instruction is on my tongue teach me the percepts of the Word of God. Help me God to watch over the affairs of my household as you would have me too. Guide me so that I do not eat of the bread of idleness but only of the nourishing morsels of faithful industry that is of service to you and others. Teach me, lead me and help me so that I can receive the reward I have earned and my works will be praised by you. In Jesus name, Amen.
Today is the time to review and catchup on any unfinished items. Checking first to see that you have completed the following one-time tasks:
I have committed myself to healthy aging and am taking practical steps in that direction. Yes
I have prayed, asking God to grant me a Caleb heart. Yes
I am reading the biography of a great Christian who lived a long, productive live for the kingdom of God. Not yet but am looking for one.
I identified resources that will enable me to encourage and strengthen myself. Yes
I am committed to continuing to run the race well, even when this 90-day Jumpstart is complete. Yes
I did one thing I didn't feel like doing. Yes
Check to confirm that you are routinely incorporating the following positive changes into your daily routine.
I'm using my Personal Notebook.
I'm regulaqrly reviewing my Personal Vision Statement.
I'm spending time in my prayer place, enjoying TAG.
I'm dealing proactively with my secret sins.
I'm completing this study every day, practicing the memory verse, and reciting affirmtions daily.
I'm becoming consciously selective about how I dress and how I use my time and resources.
I'm becoming a more serious student of the Bible.
I'm practicing the presence of God, being watchful, thankful, and prayerful.
I'm following my Evening Routine and going to bed on time.
I'm inviting God to awake me each morning, saying no to the snooze button, and following a Morning Routine.
I'm exercising control over my eating habits but have not been limiting sugar. Instead focusing on eating a balanced diet as outlined by my dietician.
I'm using smaller plates and controlling food portions.
I'm planning ahead for healthier eating.
I also have not been consistent in prayer walking thre to five days per week.
I do consume sixty-four ounces of water every day but do not being every day with a cleansing drink.
I stop eating several hours before bed.
I do not use a rebounder for exercise, instead I use the treadmill, recumbent bike, and recumbent cross-trainer at the wellness center along with water aerobics.
I routinely take cleansing baths.
I'm using my Daily Page and applying the 80/20 rule.
I routinely give away everything I can.
I'm taking items on my Tackle List.
I still have not been able to get back to the financial position where I can tithe but getting closer.
I'm clearning out the rubble of debt and paying with cash.
I have my savings and investments on autopilot.
I'm wearing fashionable yet modest, correct-color clothing that actually fits and flatters me.
I'm developing multiple streams of income through home enterprise.
My family is maintaining our home using the shared servanthood strategy.
I'm focusing on being a better wife, mother, and general family member.
My family has already established "we always" traditions and I honor the Sabbath but my family has not yet joined me.
As far as it depends on me, I am a peace with all people.
I'm taking every opportunity to share meals with my family, but not beginning with breakfast because neither of us are morning people.
I am also not yet able to open my home to the workers of the Lord but I do open it to the work of the Lord.
I live within my means.
I sow financial seed in good soil; I don't throw good money after bad.
I'm keeping my Vital Information folder up to date.
I'm living every day with longevity in view.
I listen to good Bible teaching daily.
Well only one more day. I stil can't recite all of memory scripture but am getting better. I do believe that I am living healthier. Now I have to reach a decision on which of the several other books I have that I want to start on next.
Plus there is the Asbury Bookwormettes book to start next week.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Day 88: Determine to Finish Well
Review entire passage--Proverbs 31:10:31
Passage to Read:
I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
My soul will boast in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34:1-3
Dear Lord, like David I want to extol you all the time. I want to always have on my lips your praises. I want to celebrate the beauty of your creaion. Forgive me for the times when I complain because I know that is offensive to you. I want people to know that you have transformed me and healed my mind, will, and emotions. God, I want you to use me in the lives of hurting people. Let the afflicted hear what you have done in my life and rejoice, know that you can do the same for them. I want to say to everyone "come and glorify the Lord with me". Holy Spirit, lead me to those people who need to hear this message, and give me the boldness to extol the Lord and tell them what you have done for me. Amen.
In today's lesson Donna talks about the fact that our culture no longer celebrates a woman of noble charter. Instead the media of our modern pop culture devote hours of coverage often 24/7 to women who are so immoral that several men lay claim to fathering their children. She then goes on and tells us to not expect the world at large to celebrate or consider your life story newsworthy as you journal to becoming the woman God wants you to be. Donna tells us to remember thought that God celebrates us and angels cheer our wise virtuous decisions.
Further Donna tells us that although this study is almost at an end our journey is really just beginning.
"Will you be able to press on toward becoming the woman God has called you to be?. . .Character is the ability to do what should be done, when and how it should be done, whether or not you feel like doing it, whether or not you get an instant reward, wheor not anyone stands up to cheer you on. It's the ability to say no to your natural inclinations and yes to your responsibilities."
Donna goes on to say that the problem with life is that most of it consists of the mundane, tedious, and downright difficult task of daily living. She then goes on to tell of the time several years ago when she felt God was directing her to run a marathon. As she trained with a team of people, week after week, she had grand illusions about what an amazing experience it would bge and she envisioned herself being transformed into one of the women on the cover of Runner's World magazine. However, when the actual race came she struggled to complete it and was in agony at the end and did not look anything like the woman on the magazine cover. But when she saw the look of love and admiration in the eyes of her family, and they saw the agony in hers they all cried.
She goes on to say "rugged determination, steadfast obedience, life doesn't alway turn out the way we hope it will. We don't always get the results we're dreaming of or the applause we're hoping for. But God has called us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus because he's the one who wrote our life story and promises to help us across the finish line."
Remember, Donna tells us, we are not here to be extolled were are here to extol the Lord, to praise him no matter what, to remain obedient no matter how diffiuclt.
Affirmation: I'm running my race with perseverance.
Do at least one thing today tht you don't feel like doing. Note what it is.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Day 87: Encourage and Strengthen Yourself
Review the entire passage--Proverbs 31:10-31
Passage to Read:
David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30:6 AMP
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the Bible and making it so real. It helps me to know that even a man like David who is said to have been a man after your own heart could struggle and become distressed. He had angry people who wanted to stone him. I don't know what it would feel like to have people you have devoted your life to wanting to kill you. But I do know that hurting people hurt people. There have been times in my life when I have been hurt,not by stones but by words. Help me Lord to be more like David, who even in the worst of trials was encouraged and strengthened by turning to you. Lord, if we had our way we would never face any trials and everything would go our way but that is not how life is. Also if we did get our way all the time we would be in a lot of trouble most of the time because we do not know what is best for us. However, you Lord know what is best and you can encourage and strengthen me even in the depth of troubled times. Holy Spirit, help me be more like David and turn to God. Empower me and teach me how to encourage and strengthen myself in the Lord my God. Thank you for being such a faithful God. Amen.
In today's lesson Donna talks about those times when like David we find ourself alone and without any one to encourage and strengthen us. She states that we need to take proactive steps to strengthen ourselves. She talks about how this study has set us on the path to strengthening ourselves but that we must continue.
She shares what she does to encourage and strengthen herself. She uses constant listening to good Bible teaching. She shared that although she used to spend a smal fortune buying tapes now you can listen to the free over the Internet. Donna says that she has developed the habit of watching her favorite Bible teacher on the Internet while lifting five-pound dumbbells. An "ideal way to strengthen spirit, soul, and body all at the same time."
She goes on to say that many Bible teachers now offer podcasts and mp3s free, so you can download teachings and strenthen yourself while you walk or run errands. Listening is another way, Donna says, to encourage and strengthen your spirit.
Donna does warn that listening to great Bible teachers is not a substitute for spending time in the Word of God. I use various teachers at www.oneplace.com and I also plan to purchase an IPod shuttle to download more.
Affirmation: I encourage and strengthen myself in the Lord
I plan on following Donna's instruction and "continue with the positive spiritual disciplines you've developed during our ninety days together, including daily Scripture reading, Scripture memorization and prayer."
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day 86: Culativate a Caleb Heart
Review the entire passage--Proverbs 31:10-31.
Passage to Read:
[Caleb said,] "I, however, followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly. So on that Moses swore to me, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly.'
"Now then, just as the LORD promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the desert. So here I am today, eight-five years old! I am still as strong today as I was then. Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the LORD helping me, I will drive them out just as he said."
Dear Lord, I thank you for the stories that you have included in the Bible. I know that they are meant to teach me. I thank you for this story of Caleb who was a man of amazing faith. He can serve as an example for all of us. He is an inspiration. I pray that I too can have a heart like Caleb. That I can look back over my life and know that I have followed you wholeheartedly. As I complete this study I am taking step toward becoming the woman you created me to be. Thank you Lord for the rewards for those who choose to follow you wholeheartedly. But just as there are rewards, so there are responsiblities. One of these is to be a woman who ages well. As I grow older, let me grow wiser, stronger, braver, and more spiritually alive ad powerful. Help me set an example for other believers and serve as an inspiration to all who meet me. I do not want to be like the world around me, I want to age with dignity and grace, not fear the passing of time. Holy Spirit help me to live my life in such a way that I'll be able to honely say that I followed God wholeheartedly. Give me a Caleb heart. Amen.
Donna's lesson today is that it is not enough to live a long healthy life. We have to live a life on mission for God. "That is what Caleb was all about. He was determined to fight for what God told him rightfully belonged to the people of God". She says that she does not want to live her later years consumed with herself but with the things of God. "It's said that Corrie ten Boom led more people to Christ between the ages of eighty and ninety that she did during the entire preceeding years of her life". I want to second her closing request/prayer: "Lord, let me live long and let my heart beat after yours. Make it a Caleb heart!"
Affirmation: I have a Caleb heart.
Donna suggests that we read biographies of Christians who lived great lives for God, especially those who served him into their eighties and beyond. She also instructs us to write a vivid description of the woman we want to be at eight-five in our Personal Notebook/Journal.
I want to continue to be active in some way at eighty-five. Even if I have to get around in a motorized wheelchair. I want to be sound mentally and to continue to have a positive attitude toward life. I most defineately want to be active in some mission for the God. What more I want to be like with take some thought. Join me in considering just what we want to be like at age eighty-five.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 85: Commit Yourself to Healthy Aging
Review the entire passage of Proverbs 31:10-31
Passage to Read:
The length of our days is seventy years--
or eighty, if we have the strength;
yet their span is but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
Psalm 90:10
Guided Prayer (Donna Partow):
Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that my time on earth is limited. It is very likely that I'll live seventy or eighty years. And many people today are living into their nineties and even to one hundred and beyond. Help me to live each day with a healthy awareness of both the potential longevity and brevity of life. I know that I'll have to deal with my share of trouble and sorrow. That's unavoidable. But, Holy Spirit, I know you can give me the power to handle those things with grace and gratitude. I know my life will quickly pass and I'll fly away home. I look forward to that day when I finally see you face-to-face. Meanwhile, help me to make the most of the days I have here on earth. Amen.
In today's lesson Donna starts out by comparing two individuals. One who overindulges in many areas: food, not exercising, etc. and has had many health problems but who refused to change because she "wanted to enjoy life". The other was a man who had once been like the woman but after his wife's death decided to turn things around and in his seventies is healthier than he was at age 17. The man is "convinced that life cand and should be a great adventure--if you're in good enough condition to enjoy it." Donna next lists some of the things that Sally Beare identified as secrets of the world's longest living people after studying various communities known for long, vibrant lives and published these finding in her book 50 Secrets to the World's Longest Living People. Here is Donna's list:
- Eat smaller portions.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Exercise.
- Get adequate sunshine.
- Have faith.
- Laugh.
- Help others.
- Enjoy a happy marriage.
- Have a pet.
- Maintain good friendships.
- Get the correct amount of sleep (neither too much nor too little).
- Supplement your diet with vitamins.
- Eat at least five servings of fruit and veggies daily.
- Eat the following foods that mny long-living people include in their diets: whole grains, brown rice, sprouted wheat bread, eggs, nuts, seeds, garlic, onion, extra-virgin olive oil, sweet potatoes, berries, and yogurt.
- Eat meat as a treat, not a mainstay.
- Have a salad every day.
- Drink red wine and green tea.
The ones of these that I do not follow is according to this list I eat to much meat and I do not drink red wine or any other alcoholic beverage because of my alcoholism (I'm in recovery and I want to stay that way). According to Donna genetics does not have much impact on our ability to live a long, healthy, happy life. She believes that lifestyle choices hold the key. I'm not certain I agree totally with her. I do agree with her that we can do everything within our power to lead along fruitful life. I come from a long line of long-lived individuals. Many of them lived long lives at a time when people did not life long lives. I also have several who lived long lives in spite of lifestyle choices that could shorten a person's life. I do agree with Donna that people do not leave the active lives that our ancestors did but we can remain active in other ways. I also think attitude has a great deal to do with whether we are happy or not.
Affirmation: I enjoy long life.
Incorporate into your lifestyle as many of the items on the longevity list as you can.