Scripture to Memorize:
Review entire passage--Proverbs 31:10:31
Passage to Read:
I will extol the LORD at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
My soul will boast in the LORD;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the LORD with me;
let us exalt his name together.
Psalm 34:1-3
Dear Lord, like David I want to extol you all the time. I want to always have on my lips your praises. I want to celebrate the beauty of your creaion. Forgive me for the times when I complain because I know that is offensive to you. I want people to know that you have transformed me and healed my mind, will, and emotions. God, I want you to use me in the lives of hurting people. Let the afflicted hear what you have done in my life and rejoice, know that you can do the same for them. I want to say to everyone "come and glorify the Lord with me". Holy Spirit, lead me to those people who need to hear this message, and give me the boldness to extol the Lord and tell them what you have done for me. Amen.
In today's lesson Donna talks about the fact that our culture no longer celebrates a woman of noble charter. Instead the media of our modern pop culture devote hours of coverage often 24/7 to women who are so immoral that several men lay claim to fathering their children. She then goes on and tells us to not expect the world at large to celebrate or consider your life story newsworthy as you journal to becoming the woman God wants you to be. Donna tells us to remember thought that God celebrates us and angels cheer our wise virtuous decisions.
Further Donna tells us that although this study is almost at an end our journey is really just beginning.
"Will you be able to press on toward becoming the woman God has called you to be?. . .Character is the ability to do what should be done, when and how it should be done, whether or not you feel like doing it, whether or not you get an instant reward, wheor not anyone stands up to cheer you on. It's the ability to say no to your natural inclinations and yes to your responsibilities."
Donna goes on to say that the problem with life is that most of it consists of the mundane, tedious, and downright difficult task of daily living. She then goes on to tell of the time several years ago when she felt God was directing her to run a marathon. As she trained with a team of people, week after week, she had grand illusions about what an amazing experience it would bge and she envisioned herself being transformed into one of the women on the cover of Runner's World magazine. However, when the actual race came she struggled to complete it and was in agony at the end and did not look anything like the woman on the magazine cover. But when she saw the look of love and admiration in the eyes of her family, and they saw the agony in hers they all cried.
She goes on to say "rugged determination, steadfast obedience, life doesn't alway turn out the way we hope it will. We don't always get the results we're dreaming of or the applause we're hoping for. But God has called us to run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus because he's the one who wrote our life story and promises to help us across the finish line."
Remember, Donna tells us, we are not here to be extolled were are here to extol the Lord, to praise him no matter what, to remain obedient no matter how diffiuclt.
Affirmation: I'm running my race with perseverance.
Do at least one thing today tht you don't feel like doing. Note what it is.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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