Scripture to Memorize:
Review the entire passage--Proverbs 31:10-31
Passage to Read:
David was greatly distressed, for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them all were bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30:6 AMP
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for the Bible and making it so real. It helps me to know that even a man like David who is said to have been a man after your own heart could struggle and become distressed. He had angry people who wanted to stone him. I don't know what it would feel like to have people you have devoted your life to wanting to kill you. But I do know that hurting people hurt people. There have been times in my life when I have been hurt,not by stones but by words. Help me Lord to be more like David, who even in the worst of trials was encouraged and strengthened by turning to you. Lord, if we had our way we would never face any trials and everything would go our way but that is not how life is. Also if we did get our way all the time we would be in a lot of trouble most of the time because we do not know what is best for us. However, you Lord know what is best and you can encourage and strengthen me even in the depth of troubled times. Holy Spirit, help me be more like David and turn to God. Empower me and teach me how to encourage and strengthen myself in the Lord my God. Thank you for being such a faithful God. Amen.
In today's lesson Donna talks about those times when like David we find ourself alone and without any one to encourage and strengthen us. She states that we need to take proactive steps to strengthen ourselves. She talks about how this study has set us on the path to strengthening ourselves but that we must continue.
She shares what she does to encourage and strengthen herself. She uses constant listening to good Bible teaching. She shared that although she used to spend a smal fortune buying tapes now you can listen to the free over the Internet. Donna says that she has developed the habit of watching her favorite Bible teacher on the Internet while lifting five-pound dumbbells. An "ideal way to strengthen spirit, soul, and body all at the same time."
She goes on to say that many Bible teachers now offer podcasts and mp3s free, so you can download teachings and strenthen yourself while you walk or run errands. Listening is another way, Donna says, to encourage and strengthen your spirit.
Donna does warn that listening to great Bible teachers is not a substitute for spending time in the Word of God. I use various teachers at and I also plan to purchase an IPod shuttle to download more.
Affirmation: I encourage and strengthen myself in the Lord
I plan on following Donna's instruction and "continue with the positive spiritual disciplines you've developed during our ninety days together, including daily Scripture reading, Scripture memorization and prayer."
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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