Scripture to Memorize:
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30
Passage to Read:
This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16
Dear Heavenly Father,
Today I want to stand at the crossroads and look at my life. I have not always followed your paths. I have not always walked in the good way. I have followed the paths of the world and walked in the paths of unwise ways. Show me the ancient paths. Holy Spirit teach me to slow down and look for those ancient paths and then give me the willingness to walk in the good way. I long to find rest for my soul. Then I can guide my family down those ancient paths so that they too can find rest for their souls. Be with me as I make the changes necessary to become the woman you would have me be. Help me to use wisdom and to be considerate of my family members as we travel along. In Jesus name, Amen.
In today's lesson Donna talks about the fact that families once sat down to familyu dinners and going out to even fast food resturants were very special occassions. Now according to several surveys 30-40 percent of families do not eat dinner together five to seven nights a week, and familiews with older teenagers eat fewer dinners together. She states that this is a "disturbing trend when you consider the research toath has shown the significance of family meals. For example, a 2004 study of 4,746 children eleven to eighteen years old found that frequent family meals were assoicated with a lower risk of smoking, drinking, and using marijuana; with a lower incidence of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts; and with better grades."
She also quotes another study that showed that "the more often teens had dinner with their parents, the less likely they were to have sexually active friends, less likely girls were to have boyfriends two years older, and the less time teens spent with boyfriends or girlfriends." Another study found that "adolescent girls who reported having more frequent family meals and a positive atmosphere during those meals were less likely to have eating disorders. A Harvard University study of nine-year-oleds found that those who ate dinner at home with their parents regularly are more likely to have higher intakes of essential nutrients and vitamins.
Donna stated that the problem is that no one has time. She suggested that maybe your family would like to do what hers does which is to have family breakfast together "the family breakfast half hour". She also suggests that it does not have to be fancy or elaborate. Her menu suggests are protein shakes and fresh fruit, a breakfast casserole that is prepared the night before and then popped into the oven which you have your TAG. Some time you can make it more elaborate. In addition to the food Donna suggests putting on praise music. Then share a scripture, prayer, or a word of encouragement. Have your Personal Notebook handy to bring everyone up to speed on important happenings for the day and jot down anything a family member needs from you. She said for those of us who want to be super mom we can jot down scripture or a one-sentence encouragement on an index card and give it to a family member who really needs it.
However, Donna also says that "even though I have proclaimed the virtues of the family breakfast half hour, I don't think you should give up all hope of ever having dinner together as a family." She further states that even though we may have busy and erratic schedules we can still make nutritius food available rather than running to fast-food restaurants. She reminds us that on Day 19 she made suggestions on crock-pot meals and meal assemby kitchens. Her final comments were "Anything you can do to make it more likely that your family can share a meal together is well worth the time and effort. And something that actually makes this possible while saving you time, effort, and money is priceless."
Affirmation: I make mealtimes special.
Because of my work schedule the weekends are the only time Bo and I can have meals together. We try to have one meal a weekend at we set together instead of each in their room with their TV tray perched in front of the television which is the worst place for people concerned with weight and proper diets to eat. We don't always manage this but we do try.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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