Cumulative Scripture Review:
Proverbs 31:10-30 (Sorry but time is short read through and check your memory using your Bible.)
Turn verse 30 into a Scripture-based prayer:
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Dear Lord Jesus;
I want to be a woman who fears the Lord but I need your help and strengthening. Also, I need regular reminders that some of the most charming people are really flawed and in some cases might even be called evil and the beauty that our culture seems to worship will not last. The most beautiful actress, the thinnest model even with the help of unhealthy diets and plastic surgery eventually turn old. But a woman who fears you O, Lord remains beautiful in your eyes forever. Because of the things she does to bless her family and the people in her life she will be considered charming and beautiful even when she is ninety. I want to be the type of woman who is beautiful in your eyes and praised because of my love and fear of you shines through my actions to point other to you, for your glory. These things I pray in your mighty name Jesus. Amen.
Well we have made it through another week of study and are again at the day that Donna instructs us to review and catch up on any unfinished items. This weeks on-time tasks were:
I instituted the family breakfast half hour. Unfortunately no because there is no family to join in.
I began dressing my family for spiritual success before they leave the house in the morning. No but I have dressed myself since I am the only one leaving the house.
I made a commitment to practice hospitality and am taking steps towards hosting my first guest. Again am not able to follow this instruction either but would love to and am praying about it.
I have prayed about opening my home for ministry. YES
I contacted the missions coordinator for my church to find out how I can host a missionary. I did not have to contact them I know of how I can but unfortunately again that will not be possible any time soon but do continue to pray about this.
Now check to confirm you are routinely incorporating the following positive changes into your daily routine.
I'm using my Personal Notebook. Yes
I'm regularly reviewing my Personal Vision Statement. Yes
I'm spending timie in my prayer place, enjoying TAB. Yes
I'm dealing proactively with my secret sins. Yes
I'm completing this study every day, practicing the memory verse, and reciting affirmations daily. Yes
I'm becoming consciously selective about how I dress and how I use my time and resources. Yes
I'm becoming a more serious student of the Bible. Yes
I'm practicing the presence of God, being watchful, thankful, and prayerful. Yes.
I'm following my Evening Routines and going to bed on time.
I'm inviting God to awaken me each morning, saying no to the snooze button, and following a Morning Routine. Yes
I'm exercising control over my eating habits and limiting sugar intake. No not this week.
I'm using smaller plates and controlling food portions. Yes
I'm planning ahead for healthier eating. Yes
I'm prayer walking three to five days a week. Not this week. Again work got in the way.
I begin each day with a cleansing drink and consume sixty-four ounces of water every day. Not doing the cleansing drink but am consuming at minimum of sixty-four ounces of water.
I stop eating several hours before bed. Unfortunately not this week. Late night snacks have been my downfall this week. I rediscovered the cookie dough I had bought from the Donaldson boy.
I also do not use a rebounder because of joint and back issues and because of work issues did not make it to the gym this week.
I do regularly take cleansing baths.
I'm using my Daily Page and applying the 80/20 rule most of the time.
I am routinely getting rid of everything I can, in fact added some items for sale on Craig's list
Plan on adding even more.
I did not tackle any items on my Tackle List but must before the end of the day at least steam clean the spot in front of the front dog where my old Dachsund has been relieving himself. I can't seem to get Bo to put down the puppy pads I bought.
I am also not tithing again this month and in fact due to a REALLY dumb thing I did have to completely redo my monthly budget.
I also, because of that same dumb thing, am going to get slowed down in my efforts to get out of debt, unless God answers my prayers within the next few weeks/months.
I do have my savings and investments on autopilot thanks to my employer's cafeteria plan.
I am wearing fashionable yet modest, correct-color clothing that actually fits and flatters me, but of course I think I did that before I began this study.
I am working on developing multiple streams of income through home enterprises, I just need to be more careful about what sort of enterprises.
My husband (only family member in the area) does share in maintaining our home.
I am focusing on being a better wife, mother and general family members.
My family and I are not currently workingon developing any new "we always" traditions. My husband does not join me in honoring the Sabbath (could use your prayers on that matter).
As far as it depends on me, I am at peace with all people.
I do take every opportunity to share meals with Bo particularly on the weekend.
As for opening my home to the workers and the work of the Lord I am not able to do that at this time.
Unfortunately, for me this week most of Donna's instructions are things I can not do, either because there are no longer any children in our home or because of Bo's feelings. I really do believe that he is the head of our household and I feel that in regards to inviting others into our home I need to consider and honor his feelings. However, I have no idea what God my having in store so I have turned that issue and my husband over to him.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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