1. Am I listening for and hearing God's voice? What is he saying to me? Yes, and today he is saying to me that I need to be a more diligent student of His Word. Not some other teacher but His Word. I have several study guides for studying God's Word on my own but I am not very secure in how I interpret the Word of God. I do the things I heard other students of the Word do which is pray and ask God through the Holy Spirit teach me but I still remain hestitant. Today in my quiet time God seem to be saying "just step out in faith that I will teach you, you tell other's to step out in faith, do what you tell others to do".
2. Am I increasingly manifesting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23)? What areas look encouraging? What needs prayer?
This week am afraid I decreased in my manifestation instead of increased. Love, joy, faithfulness, and I think gentleness, peace, an kindness did okay. Not perfect but okay. However, patience, goodness, and self-control was sort of a fifty-fifty situation. I came very close to loosing all patience with certain people this week and when I am think the way I was a few days this week goodness and self-control suffer. Also with self-control I controlled my tongue as far as not saying things I would later regret but food-wise did not do well at all. I think a lot of that was due to the stress of work where I was struggling to maintain patience.
3. What did God teach me during my TAG?
Again it was the stepping out in faith thing. Also for me to realize that I am not perfect but I need to keep trying and keep stepping out in faith that He will help me. However, if I risk nothing, I do nothing. But if I trust Him and risk trying then He is there. There to pick me up when I fail, and there to carry me through the task either way. I can't fail if I don't attempt, but if I don't attempt I don't achieve anything.
4. Which priorities did I live by? Which goals did I pursue?
As far as work went this week my priority was just make it through without opening my mouth and saying something I should not have. As it is I don't think I managed that. I think there were somethings I said to a couple patients that could come back and give me trouble. At home my priority was to just chill out except yesterday when I went to the grocery store. My goal there was to purchase good healthy food, which 90% of my purchases were but there were about 10% that we really could have done without. All of them were sweets that neiter of us really don't need but I bought anyway.
5. Which priorities or goals did I neglect?
Again purchasing nothing but healthy food at the grocery store, and doing the floors in the kitchen and bathrooms. They seriously need a good steam cleaning but instead have spent time on the computer instead.
6. What new thing did I learn--about life, God, my family, and the people around me?
Right now nothing really comes to mind, except again step out and risk doing new things.
7. What are my specific priorities/goals for the coming week?
Stay consistent with this study, begin something (a project) I started today that is stepping out in faith and taking a risk. Also to have a gentle and quiet spirit at work and home in the coming week and to be more faithful in manifesting the fruit fo the Spirit.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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