1. Am I listening for and hearing God's voice? What is he saying to me? That I need to reconsider my priorities. I need to focus on doing what he would have me do to be of service to him and the people he places in my day.
2. Am I increasingly manifesting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience. kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23)? What areas look encouraging? What needs prayer? I am still getting better but I am no where near where I would like to be and I think God is encouraging me to be. Areas that are encouraging this week: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness. Areas that need prayer this week faithfulness and self-control.
3. What did God teach me during my TAG? Again he encouraged me to not be so concerned with the approval of others but to do the things that he is leading me to do trust him with the results and seeking only his approval.
4. Which priorities did I live by? Which goals did I pursue? My priorities were off earlier this week being overly focused on work and work-related issues instead of taking time to take care of myself. I did finally on Friday and Saturday get back to the two studies I am currently focusing on but fell short on the those that I am taking at church. Did not work on the daily assignments for those two studies and instead spent far to much time on facebook (Farm Town) and numbing out by knitting.
5. Which priorities or goals did I neglect? Daily work on two studies doing at church (Jennifer Rothschild for Sunday School and Esther). I am having a difficult time to really get into the Esther study again. Realized this weekend that I have a doctor's appointment when we are scheduled to meet again. I could have spent less time at night on Farm Town and my knitting and completed those assignments. So although I have daily studied my Bible is has not been in the areas where I have made a commitment to study.
6. What new thing did I learn--about life, God, my family, and the people around me? It's not anything new but it was just a reminder of things I already knew related to people, that no matter where you go there will always be cliques. Which re-enforces that I should be looking to God and not people. I also got another reminder through something I am reading for pleasure that life is to short to let others determine my happiness.
7. What are my specific priorities/goals for he coming week? To devote time each night four all four studies, this study, and my knitting. To follow through with the plan to go to the gym at least three times this next week to care for my body.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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