Scripture to Memorize:
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instructions is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Proverbs 31:26-27
Passage to Read:
Here I learned about the evil thing Eliashib had done in providing Tobiah a room in the courts of the house of God. I was greatly displeased and three all Tobiah's household goods out of the room. I gave orders to purify the rooms, and then I put back into them the equipment of the house of God, with the grain offerings and the incense.
Nehemiah 13:7-9
Dear Lord, thank you for the example of Nehemiah's life. Thank you for showing me through him that it is alright to be displeased with things in my household that do not belong there. Your home is my home and if there is anything there that is displeasing to you I want to remove it from my home. Holy Spirit guide me in this pursue. Give me the wisdom as seek to make my home a holy sanctuary. In Jesus name, amen.
After giving a brief synopisis of the story referred to in the reading above, Donna then gives us our instructions today by saying "Part of watching over the affairs of our household is carefully guarding what we allow to come into the rooms of our house. This applies even to those rooms that belong to someone else, as long as that someone else is under our authority."
Donna then instructs us to move through our house room by room. "Go in a spirit of prayer, ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything offensive. In particular, take a long, hard look at every book, painting, plaque, print, periodical, DVD, CD, and the like. Some of these may be Trojan horses that bring the force of darkness into your home."
Donna then shares a story about how her interaction with a teenage daughter caused her to totally scrap a room and change everything in it and purify it with a night of prayer. She then suggests that if you have a troubled teenager you consider a Nehemiah purge of your house. "Let the Holy Spirit and wisdom guide you."
Donna reminds us that the Enemy will try to sneak anything into your house that he can. He does so by making it seem benign and harmless but it is far from that. So our assignment today is to include our husbands and children is possible and go from room to room purifying your home.
Affirmation: I purify my home.
"Rid you house of anything that might be offensive to God or anything that might serve as a foothold for the Enemy. Consider replacing the items with Scripture plaques, crosses, or other sacred items. Pray over and spiritually purify your home. Invite a spiritual leader to bless your home, if you desire."
I have already done all of this I can based on something I read written by Stormie Omartien. This is when I got rid of any secular literature, music, magazines, etc. Particularly those that promote the modern culture of materialism, idols, etc. Unfortunately, I have not been able to change my husband's opinion related to his computer games, but I do pray over them and place Spiritual things on the desk that houses them. Because this is the room where we have both computers I have my many spiritual items scattered through out the room. This was also the time that I stopped watch primetime, regular channel television programs. I don't always watch TBN or similar channels but I have never viewed ABC, NBC, CBS, or Fox since that time. I also do not watch CNN, FNN, etc. I used to love reading mysteries and I had a large collection of such books but I also stopped purchasing those type of books. Now if it does not come from Crossings Christian Book Club, Lifeway, or Family Christian Book Store I don't read it. I find that my thoughts are more spiritual and less secular when I do this. This is not to make me sound like someone who is holier than. It is just that for me I am less irritable and more peaceful since I have done this purging. I also find I am distracted from Bible study in that room since I have made those changes.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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