Scripture to Memorize:
She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.
She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laught at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:24-25
Passage to Read:
Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16
Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be wise and I want to be very careful how I live. I confess that I have not always done so. Help me know to live in a manner that is pleasing to you. Holy Spirit, help me to grow in wisdom that that I can take the most of every opportunity when they come. Train me to hear your guiding voice and to still my mind so that I can understand the opportunities you send my way. As a follow of Jesus in these days of evil I need to be an example to those around me, those who you place in my life. Help me to live every day to the fullest and do what you would have me do for you and others. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Today Donna recommends that we explore the world of internet marketing as a way to make more profits. She then goes on to explain how she learned of this opportunity and how she has used the internet of earn money. She stated that the simplest way to get involved is to begin selling unwanted/unneeded items on eBay and Craigslist. Remember in the earlier lessons when she told us to begin getting rid of things. She states that this is even easier than the hassle of a yard or garage sell. EBay requires users enter their name, address, telephone number, and credit card number to begin bidding and selling products. Plus the site charges a small fee for every ad you place. She recommends that you only post items that sale for more than fifteen dollars t justify the advertising expense. Craigslist at the date of publication did not charge a fee, I personally have not check this one out yet. For eBay they also use PayPals. The following are Donna's tips for selling on-line.
1. Write a great headline (have to grab the buyer's attention)
2. Post quality product images.
3. Accept PayPal. (Don't expect people to send you a check or money order).
4. Write and interesting advertisement.
5. Price to sell
6. Offer a great deal and tell them why (you want to simplify your life and everything must go)
7. Be honest
8. Free shipping.
9. Be reasonable about shipping (if you are charging for shipping don't try to make a profit by overcharging for shipping)
10. Have a star rating above 99 percent.
Donna nexts gives tips for creating your own website. This one will cost you a little bit a month to keep your site open. You will then need the help of a webmaster unless you want to design your own site using user-friendly software available through Yahoo, Site Build It, 1Shopping Cart, and others. If you use a webmaster check out his/her references and view the sites they have created and talk to the site owners. This will of course cost you even more. Additional tips from Donna:
1. Your website must capture prospects' names and email addresses. An easy way to do this is offer them a free report or some other valuable information free. In order to get the freebie they muyst provide their name and email address. These contacts become your prospects for the sale of your products.
2. Share testimonials on your website.
3. Make sure your webhost provides a shopping cart feature and the people should be able to use credit card and paypal again no one will want to mail you a check.
4. Your website must recruit affiliates. In order words, you must make it easy for other website owners to recommend your product an service. Enable them to link to your page; then send them a small commission every time one of their referrals buys from you. Providers like 1ShoppingCart and Sitesell do this automatically.
Donna next talks about specializing in affiliate marketing. "Affiliate marketers don't sell their own productsw or services. Instead, they serve as informal represenative for a wide variety of other web-based marketers". The example she gives is with "You can create an informative website about a topic of interest to you--say, for example, cooking.
Then you provide a list of recommended cookbooks and a direct link to Amazon. Amazon stocks the books, ships the books, bills the customer, and you get paid by Amazon." She then states that you have to provide links to lots of wbsites if they hope to make significant income.
Affirmation: My lamp doesn't go out at night.
I'm not really certain I understand all the things Donna is talking about here. I know several people who use eBay. I have bought used book from Amazon that were really being sold by other people. However, I have yet to examine how to personally make money from these sites but I guess I need to check t out. If you do or have let me know how you did.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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