Scripture to Memorize:
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.
She selectes wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
Proverbs 31:12-13
Passage to Read:
To the LORD I cry aloud,
and he answers e from his holy hill. Selah
I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
I will not fear the tens of thousands
drawn up against me on every side.
Psalm 3:4-6
Dear Father God, I cry out to you and firmly believe that you answer me. Forgive me for all the times I have cried to everyone but you. Remind me always that a mere morals can not provide the answers that only you alone have the wisdom and power to answer my prayers.
Thank you Father God for the restful sleep you provide for my healing and restoring to me the physical energy I need to fulfill your purposes. Holy Spirit guard my sleep, teach me how to relax so that I can have a restorative restful night's sleep. God you know how much sleep I need to awake refreshed and energize therefore provide me with just the amount my body needs. Help me to not become slothful and lazy and sleeping to much.
I release to you all worry, fear, stress, and cares that can keep me from fully enjoying a full and restful night's sleep. Help me to realize that you are the Lord of the Universe and you will work all things fr good of those who believe in you. I know that you have only my good in mind, I love you and have been called according to your purpose. This knowledge alone should free me up to release my anxiety and to sleep in peace. Tonight Lord, I lay me down to sleep, I pray that you will keep me through the night and if I die before I wake, I pray that you Lord will sweep me home. In the healing name of Jesus, Amen.
Donna talks about how insomnia is an epidemic in our country because so many people lay awake worrying about things. Further that sleep deprevation has an adverse effect on our immune system. Research shows that we need seven to eight hours of restfull sleep and they have further proven that you can "catch up" on lost sleep. She then lists practical things we can do to get a better night's rest.
(1) Modify eating habits. Ideally you should eliminate caffeine but considering how much coffee and caffeinate beverages we drink she believes she is wasting her breathe. At the very least stop consuming caffeine after noon. Also minimize you sugar intake and eliminate all sweets and refined carbohydrates after dinner. Have your treat at lunch if you must.
(2) Create the right environment. The ideal sleep atmosphere is dark, quiet, and cool. Several hours before bedtime turn down the lights in your house to signal thqat sleep time is approaching. It is better to not exercise at night. Your mattress should be supportive and less that ten years old. Use your bedroom for sleep only, not to watch television, pay bills, or operate a home business from a desk near your bed.
(3) Establish a nighttime routine. Find a way to unwind. Take a bath, read, review your scripture verses, drink a cup of hot lemon water (I use chamomile tea will a little warm milk). Do the same thing every night Always end your routine with getting in bed the same time every night. Make sure this routine excludes television.
(4) Keep your personal notebook/journal by your bed. This way when your mind starts wandering on the million things that need to be done or issues that are bothering us. When this happens reach for you notebook/journal and jot down your concerns, and forget them by turning them over to God. We can always pick them up in the morning after a good night's sleep. It makes it much easier to fall asleep when you have emptied your mind by putting it in the notebook/journal.
(5) Engage in positive conversation. Many couples make the mistake of complaining about the day or disputing about the bills afer the children are in bed at night. Big mistake on every level. You and your husband can and should pray together ab outg your concerns, urning your anxieties into prayer requests. But don't have a gripe session right before sleeping and then wonder why {1} your love life is in a rut and {2} you don't sleep well.
Donna states that if we will do these five things we can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep. I know looking at that list there are several of her suggestions that I really need to work on adopting.
Affirmation: I lie down and sleep in peace.
In this segment Donna recommends that we write out a proposed bedtime ritual along with thoughts of how following this ritual will improve our lives. Then go to bed on time, today and every day! Commit to a specific bedtime. I know for me this will be one of the hardest things to do because my schedule is rather chaotic and very difficult to change but I will attempt to do so for the remainder of the 90-days in this jumpstart. The other thing that will be difficult is turning off the television AND COMPUTER before starting my nighttime routine. I don't have a television in my bedroom but I tend to have it on when I drink my nightcap of chamomile tea and after I take my nighttime medications. Then I sat down for another 30 minutes of computer time or knitting before heading for bed. So there are some things I need to work on to improve my sleep.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
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