Cumulative Scripture Review:
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of ther life.
She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
She is like merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.
Sh gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her servant girls.
She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.
She sets about her work vigorously
her arms are strong from her tasks.
Proverbs 31:10-17
Heavenly Father, help me to consider my purchases carefully and not follow the standards of the world but consider your guidelines as to what is good and profitable. Out of my earnings let me only purchase those things that are pleasing and profitable to you. Let your Word be my guide to my spending habits. Holy Spirit, direct my thinking and help me to set about my work vigorously, whether that work be at home or in the workplace. Help my body grow strong from my tasks and for my tasks. Father God for you guidance and the directions of your Word that enables me to focus on what is pleasing to you and not the world I give you thanks and praise. May I always turn to you and your Word for guidance if I am unsure of whether a purchase would be pleasing to you. You have my best interest at heart and I thank you, in Jesus name, Amen.
On Saturday's Donna gives us a check list to determine if there is any unfinished items and have completed our one-time and are routinely incorporating positive changes in our daily routines.
One-time Tasks:
I have suitable shoes for walking without injury. X
I began walking three to five days per week. Not doing well on this one.
I found a walking partner. No
I purchased lemons and unsweetened cranberry juice and began consuming detoxifying drinks. Already had these two items in the house but have not yet prepared the drinks. Have not been able to give up my one cup of de-acidified coffee in the mornings.
I added "fill water bottles" and "consume cleansing drink" to my Morning Routine. Added it to my Morning Routine list but have not begun to actually do these things. Plan on starting tomorrow first day of a new week.
I established a new routine to allow my body sufficient time to digest. This one is half and half. I do great at home and have stopped eating before going to bed. However, do not allow my body sufficient time during the day at work to properly consume and digest my food. This week it has been bolt down lunch and dinner at my desk while I work and then immediately lead a group.
I evaluated the purchase of a rebounder. This one unfortunately I can't do. However, had updated my Wellness Center membership.
I purchased the ingredients for the cleansing bath and took my first one. I do have the ingredients already but am not certain that I will be able to a full cleansing bath as Donna suggests since I can not full emerse myself in the tub at this time. But plan tonight to do the best I can.
I added Cleansing Bath to my Evening Routine. Beginning tonight.
Routinely incorporating the following positive changes into my daily routine.
I am using my Personal Notebook. Actually I'm using this blog and a journal.
I'm regularly reviewing my Personal ision Statement. It is written on the inside of the journal cover and I repeated it every day before I write my progress in the journal.
I'm spending time in my prayer place, enjoying TAG. Yes
I'm deailng proactively with my secret sins. Yes
I'm completing this study every day, practicing the memory verse, and reciting affirmations daily. Yes
I'm becoming consciously selective about how I dress and how I use my time and resources. Yes
I'm becoming a more serious student of the Bible. Yes
I'm practicing the presence of God, being watchful, thankful, and prayerful. Yes
I'm following my Evening Routine and going to bed on time. Most of the time, I did have a couple of nights this week that I could not get to sleep.
I'm inviting God to awaken me each morning, saying no to the snooze button, and following a Morning Routine. Again most of the time, however yesterday stayed in bed beyond the alarm.
I'm exercising control over my eating habits and limiting sugar intake. No
I'm using smaller plates and controlling food portions. Most of the time.
I'm planning ahead for healthier eating. Most of the time.
I'm prayer walking three to five days per week. Not yet.
I begin each day with a cleansing drink and consume sixty-one ounces of water every day. Was already consuming that much water when I began this study but have not yet added the cleansing drink.
I stop eating several hours before bed. Most of the time.
I'm using a rebounder to fight gravity and cellulite (optional). No because of physical health issues.
I routinely take cleansin baths. Not yet but plan on starting tonight.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
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