Scripture to Memorize:
She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindles with her fngers.
Proverbs 31:18-19
Passage to Read:
Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city; spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
James 4:13-14
Dear Lord, thank you for today. Help me to remember it is all that I have and I need to make the most of it. I admit that there have been many times when I have been quick to state what I would do tomorrow. I have been known to have great intentions and ambitions but not followed through when tomorrow came. Instead let me realize that what counts is my obedience today. Holy Spirit, help me to find balance today between planning for the future (which is important) and giving way to good intentions and ambitions (which is foolishness). You know the desire of my heart Lord and you have promised to give me the desires of my heart. I rest in that knowledge. My time on earth is fleeting, Lord, help me to make the most of each day by focusing on your will and on the things that truely matter in the long run. Keep me focused on fulfilling the plans that you have for my life. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
This week Donna says that she will focus us on all the work that "women do from home, namely, managing ourselves, our family, and our household effectively." (She promises to focus on the concept of generating income from home in Week 8).
In order that we can make the most out of each day Donna then suggest that we use our personal notebook (I am using this blog and my personal journal) as our "distaff and spindle". We already have set up a section entitled "Personal" and now in that section we are to set up a subsection entitled "Every Day" and within that subsection additional sub-subsections labeled: Spiritual, Physical, Relational, Personal, Ministry, and Financial. Then we are to "Reread your Personal V ision Statement, then ask: 'What would I need to do eavery day in each category to fulfill my vision statement?" In my case by Personal Vision Statement is: I will use my creativity and enthusiasm to support and inspire others to freely express their talents in a harmonious and loving way. I will help to bring other women together and to listen to one another without being judgemental and not needing to give advice. I will strive to become more Christ-like and to not hate, sterotype, feel superior to, or to be prejudice myself. Donna then tells us to determine what we need to do daily to help us bring our Personal Vision Statement to fruition.
This is what I posted in my Journal for each of these sub-subsections.
Spiritual - Spend at least an hour daily in Bible Study and Prayer.
Physical - Eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise to preserve my energy.
Relational - Balance my time between family/home, work, ministry, and personal renewal.
Personal - Become more Christ-like in how I react with others and stay informed about ways of supporting and inspiring other women.
Ministry - To work through Women's Ministry to help women to interact with one another, to support and encourage other women.
Financial - Give generously and strategically to advance God's Kingdom with special interest in support Sumarian Mission Projects.
Donna now tells us to bring together our Personal Vision Statement, our monthly calendar, our Every Day list, and the Daily Page. For me everything but my monthly calendar is either a separate computer document with email reminders or my journal. Here's what this looks like. My Personal Vision Statement and daily page are in my journal. My Every Day list and Monthly Calendar are in computer and I also keep a monthly calendar in a daily planner I carry in my purse. This way I don't forget something like daily exercise because of an appointment I make at the doctor's office or something I agree to do. Next Donna take things that are already on our Monthly Calendar and put them on our Daily Page for that day noting details like who, what, when, where, and so on. Then using our Every Day list as a reference, write one thing you need to do in each categroy on the Daily Page. She further warns only one thing not a dozen (think she's been reading my mail). Here is what my list looks like:
PHYSICAL: Walk (or on alternate days Gym)
RELATIONAL: Christ-like speach with hubby and co-workers
PERSONAL: Daily assignment in current Bible Study
MINISTRY: Forward Inter-net Cafe or other Devotional to other women.
FINANCIAL: Post any spending on actual expense page of current month in Household Bill Payer Book
Then Donna states we are to check off items as they are completed. She then tells us to make a list of ten additional things we need to do. Any items left undone at the end of the day is then moved forward to the next day. By listing things daily Donna says that you can focus on what your are getting done and not getting done. After awhile you will get so tired of listing the one or two things that never get done you will get them off your list. She then also recommends that you list on your Daily Page the five things you are most grateful for, remember he promises to bless a grateful heart. Then as you review the things that you got done review your gratitude list as well. Next she recommends that your Daily Page include two or three things that you want to pray about (i.e., a friend upcoming surgery, a sick friend or family member, something God has laid on your heart). She also pointed out that this is not a time schedule list. This is to "watch over the affairs of your household and avoid eating the bread of idleness."
Affirmation: I maximize each day.
I have placed my Every Day list and my Monthly Calendar in the front of my journal so that at the end of the day I can review what I accomplished (posted in my journal page for that day the night before) and added to my Evening Routine: Review the day and post tomorrow's list. My Monthly Calendar already includes important birthdays, events, and appointments from my Planning Calendar that I carry in my purse. (However, if you wish to do a notebook you can go to and download and print a months worth [or one original] of the Daily Page.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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