Scripture to Memorize:
She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.
In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindles with her fingers.
Proverbs 31:18-19
Passage to Read:
John [the Baptist] answered, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same. . . ."
[Jesus said,] "Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Luke 3: 11; 6:38
Dear Lord, thank you that you have filled your word with so much practical advice that can help me and bring me blessing. I admit that I have a tendency to look for and like best the parts that speak of blessing for me. I tend to overlook those parts that deal with blessing other. Because I tend to seek first how to get blessings for myself I miss out on the many of the greatest blessings that come from blessing others.
Passages like today's are challeging for me. You clearly are telling me in the words of John the Baptist and Jesus that I am to give to others. Also that when I do so I will received more blessings. While the deceiver attempts to convince me and I regret that I often listen to his whispering that tell me I need to cling to everything I have instead of sharing with others. I need to chose to believe what your Word tells me. I also need to realize that you have only good plans for me and by giving I will enjoy the fruit of the Spirit. Holy Spirit give me the courage and generous heart to use a large measuring cup in giving to others. In Jesus name, Amen.
In this section today Donna talks about getting rid of clutter, excesses, things you no longer need or use and give it away. She urges that you make sort of a ministry or mission project of cleaning out things and giving them away. Now this is something I have done for a long time. Mostly because I've moved around so much and partly because I have moved from larger homes to smaller ones I have found the need to discard/give away things that I no longer can use/wear. I also tend to recyle books among other things. When things are stretched financial I sale the excess but usually I give it away. I am a firm believe of the idea that if it has not be worn or used in a year to get it out of your house. Giving things away to someone who is more in need of them the better. I like out of her church's projects. They organized a church wide give away party and invited less fortunate families to come an pick out whatever they needed from the church members' give away items. Another thing they did is they loaded their pickup with give away items and helped a group of families who have been hit by a fire in an apartment complex. You can also organize an annual yard sale by yourself or with a group of friends after you have gone through your home getting rid of stuff. I do my cleaning out as I call it twice a year. Once in the Spring and once in the Fall. This also allows me to see what clothes may need to be replaced. When I do my cleaning I go through one room at a time and have three piles that are group in boxes, storage bags, garbage bags. What is no longer worth anything to anyone goes in the garbage bags. What can be used by someone other than me (no longer needed or no longer fits) goes in boxes and then what is to stay in my homes goes into storage bags. Then the next seasons things are gone through and the same bag, box system is used except now the things that are staying go into my closets. In my office it is the bi-annual cleanout of books which usually are taken to the used book store. I also go through craft stuff annually and if I have not done anything with that craft for two years I get rid of the stuff. However, Donna suggests a different criteria that I may use the next time. That is instead of how long hs it been since I used this I'll ask can I live without it? Does someone else need it more? Would someone get greater use out of this? I must also confess that I do this for the same reason Donna states she does it. I am not a good housekeeper and I don't want to deal with the mess and clutter of unwanted, unneeded, unused stuff.
Here Donna suggests that you find out when Wal-Mart is getting in new inventory and ask them to save you ten boxes. While there also buy plastic storage boxes. I have found that the ones at Dollar General are just as good and a little cheaper. Also if it is clothes that you are storing from one season to another those vaccum bags are great. They take up less room and can be more neatly stored than plastic storage boxes. Also another place for women's clothing you want to get rid of is the Christian Women's Job Corp. Church Thrift Stores and the Salvation Army Thrift Stores are also good places to get rid of unneeded stuff.
So begin giving things away. Have two of some kitchen gadgets give one away. Have clothes you no longer wear give them away. Have clothes your kids no longer wear give them away.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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