Scripture to Memorize:
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
Proverbs 31:10-11
Weekly on day 6 check to see that I have completed all the assigned one-time tasks.
I have created my on-line journal (this blog).
I have written my personal vision statement and recorded it here.
I had already created a special prayer place.
I recommitted to spending time alone with God.
I have confronted areas of secret sin and am developing a battle plan to deal with them.
I have an accountability partner.
Weekly Evaluation:
1. Am I listening for and hearing God's voice? What is he saying to me?
Relax, slow down, I will help you cope with the workload you have. I will help you through this period. Don't lose your temper and don't gossip. Be an empathic listening ear without joining in the complaining. Offer advice only when asked.
2. Am I increasingly manifesting the fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23)? What areas look encouraging? What needs prayers?
This week I did better in the areas of love, joy, faithfulness, and gentleness. Need prayer and work on patience (big time for this has long been a problem in my life), kindness, goodness, and self-control. I did better at not blowing up and saying things I shouldn't but did not do very well in self-control regarding food. I also made some purchases at the commissary for treats that we really did not need.
3. What did God teach me during my TAG?
Slow down and remain calm, it will get done but you (me) don't need to get yourself all worked up. I have felt like the "Frazzled Female" this week and God has been whisper in my ear not only during our time alone together but throughout my days "slow down, remain calm, easy does it". I just need to follow his lead.
4. Which priorities did I live by? Which goals did I pursue?
Because my God was find ways of pursuing a deeper relationship with God my priorities were lived by more this week than in the past few weeks but I still need to work at this more particularly in the morning. Mornings are a struggle for me because my mind and my body wants to stay in bed as long as I possibly can. Therefore, it is a struggle to get up a little earlier so that I can spend time alone with God first thing in the morning. This continued again this week. Most days I found myself rushing through my morning devotional and saying a hurried prayer before I started getting dressed and ready for work or my appointment before work.
5. Which priorities or goals did I neglect?
The ones I always tend to neglect--taking care of my body, my temple of God. Eating things that I really do not need to eat and not exercising. I did walk a little more because of the job but not nearly as much as I should. I also did not keep up with my food diary on Fitday and therefore, know that I ate way more than I needed/wanted too.
6. What new thing did I learn--about life, God, my family, and the people around me?
Learned how important being able to stop and talk with Giles during my day had become. When he was not there his quieting influence was missed. Susan is a good sounding board but she tends to be so fired up herself that she is more an aggitation than quieting. Learned that if I let him God continues to bless me with the beauty of his world.
7. What are my specific priorities/goals for the coming week?
Continue to keep my cool at work and not blow up at the diva but to treat her with kindness, patience, gentleness, and courtesy. To not give in to the tendency to gossip about her even when I disagree with her or something she did. To not work harder at client's recovery than they do but also to not get frustrated when they just "don't get it". To take better care of my body, God's holy temple.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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