Cumulative Scripture Review:
A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rublies.
Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, not harm
all the days of her life.
She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.
Proverbs 31:10-13
Father God, help to bring nothing but good not only to my husband but also to you. Holy Spirit teach me, direct me, and lead me so that not only will my earthly husband have full confidence in me, but also my heavenly husband, my Lord and Savior.
Holy Spirit help me to have eager hands that enthusiastically seek to do the work that God places before. Help me to give a full day's work to my employer and not complain because I do not have time to visit facebook and often as my friends or read my email several times a day. Help me to stay focused on my work ahead and not allow idle interruptions to complain or gossip or do any of the other things that waste time and make me unproductive. Move me to see such wasteful interruptions as the evil ones attempt to make me less of a servant of God's and decrease my credibility to the world around me. Give me discernment, God about what is the work that you want me to eagerly engage in and what is the business of the world. Keep me focused only on what you would have me do. Open my ears Lord to hear what you are telling me to do and implant in me the spirit of willingness to do what you are leading me to do regardless of how impossible or meaningless, or what takes away something I do not want to give up.
I ask these things in the name of Jesus believing his promise that what I ask in his name will be done. Amen.
Donna says that Saturday is my day to review and catch up on any unfinished items. I am not using a notebook but a spiral bound journal and I have created the tabs that she instructed me to do this week and last week. I have made certain that I have placed in every section what she has instructed me to up to this point. I wrote a "Master" copy of the Bible Study Worksheet on the inside of the hardback back cover. When I read a segment of the Bible that really speaks to me, I use this on that day to record this study of a portion of God's Word. On the inside of the front hardback cover I have place the daily schedule I have planned which includes a morning and evening routine.
Going down the checklist under this segment I have begun using my Personal Notebook/Journal, I have my Personal Vision Statement written on the first page of the journal. I am spending time in my prayer place and attempting to enjoy Time Alone with God (TAG).
However, this is the area I am struggling with at this time. I'm dealing proactively with any secret sin that the Lord prompts me to see and correct. I am completing this study daily because of this blog. I am practicing the memory verse and reciting the affirmations daily.
I am consciously selective about how I dress and how I use my time and resources. The latter is of course what I have been struggling with now and in the past. I continue to be a serious student of the Bible. I attempt to practice the presence of God, being watchful, thankful, and prayerful. However, again I do struggle with sensing the presence of God and being attentive/watchful of what he the directions he is giving me. I have also not been faithful in following my evening routine and going to bed on time. I have not even set a regular bedtime. I am inviting God to awaken me each day and following a morning routine. However, this is also difficult at this time but I am making a little progress. But, a little progress is better than no progress and much better than sliding back into old destructive habits.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
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