1. Am I listening for and hearing God's voice? What is he saying to me?
This week I am hearing that if I will turn to him, and seek to do his will, then he will help me overcome my food issues which are related to stress. Loosing the stress and food issues will help in overcoming my health issues. I need to be like the woman with the issue of blood in Matthew and press through to Jesus to help me overcome my food issues.
2. Am I increasingly manifesting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal. 5:22-23)? What area look encouraging? What needs prayer?
I did do better this week in my interactions with co-workers. In those interactions I was able to sow love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness. However, I need to be more faithful in my TAG. Too many days this week I rushed through my Bible Study and prayer time. I also need to exhibit more self-control particularly in the area of taking care of my body, the temple of God. I need to follow through on my commitment to exercise and limit my caloric intake.
3. What did God teach me during my TAG?
More an more I am getting a clear message that I need to turn to God to help me with the issues of exercise, food, and stress. I tend to turn to things of the world (latest diet, latest exercise craze, and a high-stressed schedule).
4. Which priorities did I live by? Which goals did I pursue?
This week my emphasis has been on better interactions with co-workers but I have let other issues slid. I have allowed myself to become overwhelmed and stressed out at work. This then leads to overeating and not feeling like I have time to exercise.
5. Which priorities or goals did I neglect?
First and foremost I neglected my TAG because I rushed through it like a routine and did not make it a time of renewal to help overcome my stress. I failed to fully care for my body as the temple of God. I made good goals and plans but then did not follow through.
6. What new thing did I learn--about life, God, my family, and the people around me?
That God wants me to make time with him a priority then other things will fall in place. If I will turn to God he will give me the energy and desire to exercise. He will help me not get stressed over my work schedule. He will show me ways to cooperate with my co-workers.
7. What are my specific priorities/goals for the coming week?
Exercise a minimum of three days during the coming week with a goal of eventually moving to 30 minutes everyday except Sunday. Also to limit my calories and make healthier food choices during the week.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
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